Dizziness and vertigo may sound like similar problems, but these are not the same. A few of the symptoms might look the same, but there are different causes and symptoms. The feeling of being unbalanced and lightheaded is referred to as dizziness.

The problem targets the sensory organs of the body. It might not be referred to as a disease but a combination of various disorders. On the other hand, vertigo creates a false feeling of moving or spinning surroundings.

You might feel dizziness occasionally, and there is nothing to worry about. Medical assistance is required when you experience it frequently. Both problems are referred to as motion sickness, and effective treatment for them is physical therapy.

A physical therapist is also known as a movement expert. They can assist you in treating various kinds of physical health problems. The dizziness and vertigo therapy is so effective that you can even eliminate the problem.

Common Causes of Dizziness and Vertigo

Dizziness and vertigo are connected because vertigo can also result in dizziness. There are various causes of both problems. Here are a few of the common causes of dizziness and vertigo:


  • Migraine
  • Certain medicines
  • Use of alcohol
  • Heatstroke
  • Motion sickness
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Dehydration
  • Excessive exercise
  • Ear infection
  • A sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Low blood sugar level
  • Heart muscle disease
  • Iron deficiency (Anemia)
  • Decrease in blood volume
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Head or neck injury


These are the common symptoms of the problem. Here are a few of the rare causes also for dizziness and vertigo:


  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Malignant tumor
  • Brain disorder

Home Remedies for Dizziness and Vertigo

If your problem is not too much severe, then you can use these below-mentioned home remedies to get relief:


  • You can use a walker or cane for support during walking.
  • You should avoid switching body positions frequently.
  • Perform activities to centralize your brain, like yoga and meditation.
  • While walking up or down the stairs, always look for handrails.
  • If you experience dizziness frequently, you should avoid using heavy machinery and driving a car.
  • To reduce stressful situations, you should get a minimum of seven hours of sleep and drink at least eight glasses of water.
  • Avoid the use of alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. Also, please do not use other substances that trigger the problems and make them worse.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. It helps in preventing dizziness.
  • If you notice that your dizziness is because of any particular medicine, you should consult your doctor about the same as soon as possible.
  • If your dizziness and vertigo are because of dehydration or overheating, you should rest in a cool place and drink plenty of water.
  • Whenever you feel like spinning or moving, sit or lie down immediately. Wait for your dizziness to go away. It can help you prevent the loss of your balance that might lead to a severe injury by falling.
  • You can also take over-the-counter medicines that can help you prevent the problem. If you want to be productive or active, you should avoid the medication because it causes drowsiness.

You can prevent or control mild problems with the help of these home remedies. But if your problem is severe, you should consult a doctor or physical therapist for treatment. Get dizziness and vertigo therapy to beat the issue you are experiencing.


Treatment for Dizziness and Vertigo

The treatment depends upon the severity of the underlying cause of the problem. The different kinds of treatment are as follows: 


Different kinds of medicines can help you with dizziness and vertigo. You need to consult your doctor for the diagnosis and find the proper medication to reduce the problem. If you consume any medicine, make sure you ask your doctor about it.


Several kinds of exercises can help you reduce the symptoms of dizziness and vertigo. The exercises might be similar to those used in vestibular rehabilitation therapy. You can consult your therapist for the exercises. It also involves balance training to improve steadiness.


Surgery is essential in a few problems like head injury, brain tumor, and others. But it involves extreme pain and harmful medication, which also has side effects. Also, it takes time to recover from surgeries. Some people avoid surgery and switch to physical therapy, an effective treatment.

Physical Therapy

You can get dizziness and vertigo therapy to reduce and eliminate the problem. It is a natural treatment with no side effects, medicines, or other issues. You should hire a reliable and certified therapist for the treatment.

It is the most effective treatment because there is a personalized plan of treatment for each patient.

Final Thoughts 

Dizziness and vertigo therapy can entirely help you get rid of the health issue. You can consult a physical therapist for the treatment and get regular therapies guided by the therapist. In case you are not getting relief, you can ask the therapist to change the treatment plan.