STRESS is just a six-letter word but its effect on humans is very strong. Everyday stress due to professional and personal responsibilities has become common and people have got used to it. They find alternatives to deal with the situation and try to manage the issue. These situations are temporary but some people go through permanent or long-term stress in their life. It is known as post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

What is post-traumatic stress disorder?

PTSD does not occur due to everyday issues but it’s because of some traumatic incident that took place in the past. Every time you think of the situation, your body becomes restless and a sensation is felt in the entire body. It happens whenever you see a similar image or imagine the same situation.

The stress level is comparatively high from the general stress suffered due to daily problems. You can survive or keep yourself in control if the problem is not huge but if PTSD can lead to death if not treated on time. You will continuously suffer from the arousal and some excitement (in the wrong way) due to this problem. It’s good to get treated on-time.


The medical department has come up with many stress reductions services but the strong effect of the treatment is still not seen. Once the course of the medicine gets over, people get back to the same situation and start imagining the traumatic incident. So, to overcome the situation, hypnosis came in the picture.

It was a great step and many people got the benefit from this particular stress reduction service.

Do you know how? Here are the reasons:

  • Tries to address the event

The hypnotherapist tries to access the information or the incident stored in your mind. They try to understand analyse the incident that is affecting you and why are you so traumatized by the situation. They consider the wide array of emotions that are surrounding you and not allowing you to come out of the situation. Overall, they address the event from every situation and bring it on one platform.

  • Finds different techniques for treatment

First of all, you should know that hypnotherapy is a type of treatment that does not require any medicine or medical equipment; it’s all about emotions, energy fields and subconscious mind. The hypnotherapists play with your mind to treat PTSD.

Hypnotherapists remind you about your strength and virtues and make you capable to fight the situation. Also, they regularly teach you to react to the shock symptoms and keep under control. They try that you handle the situation on your own.

  • Helps you to restore yourself

Lastly, hypnotherapists try to build a connection between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts in your body. They try to unite them all and keep a balance between them to run the life at a normal pace. They give voice to the parts that had lost or got negatively affected due to the traumatic incidents and help you to live freely.

Under the stress reduction services, the therapists find creative ways and imaginations to forget past events and live in the present.

PTSD is a serious condition but hypnosis has proved its efficiency in treating the same. You only have to ensure that the hypnotherapist is well – experienced and has dealt with a similar situation in the past.