After going through a very bad part of our 23 year relationship my husband and I both decided that we truly loved each other and wanted to continue, but we needed to rekindle some of the earlier ‘spark’ to move us forward. Luckily this seemed to happen quite naturally and by deciding to be honest, open and considerate towards each other things started to get much better and be more fulfilling for both of us.

Some time later, after having considered other ways of enhancing our relationship, my husband came across Loveawake dating site. It seemed like quite a fun idea so, after some discussion, I agreed to try it out with him as a way of providing an extra dimension to our every day lives.

So far we have been successful about moving into a satisfying and exciting new life that we are both happy with, but probably for quite different reasons.

For me relationships means that I have a reliable and attentive man who is looking out for my wellbeing and who is interested in me particularly. This makes me feel happy and secure in the knowledge that he is there for me because he wants to be, presumably because this arrangement is satisfying for him. It is hard to say exactly what has changed apart from everything because it is quite subtle.

Of course, there is discipline to be maintained and whilst this definitely provides a frisson of excitement it also causes fear about what exactly is going to happen.

I am strong and assertive but I enjoy my husband being in charge because it makes me feel safe, cared for and feminine.

I don’t do all of the chores but we both work full time and have always shared them because there is too much to do.

I agree to sex whenever my husband requests it, and I think we have sex more than before because we do something everyday but all the little parts become part of the whole so it’s hard to say where it starts and ends.

I feel that lots of parts of life show submission but this is in a positive and consensual way, not a weak way. It is like a form of fun play that goes on for most of the time.

Husbands become more present because they enjoy being in charge and are interested in what is going on.

Most wives probably would enjoy spanking because it is a very strong and intimate form of sharing. It appeals to the inner child in us and it is sooo good to be comforted afterwards!

The wife does not need to go along with all of the man’s demands and wishes especially if she knows he is wrong. She can just tell him that she disagrees but sometimes it might be best to be cautious and thoughtful about how she tells him so as to not offend him.

Loveawake husbands take such good care of their wives because they are very interested in them, love them particularly, enjoy connecting with them through their authority and get exactly what they want; a happy, satisfied, attentive, submissive but strong wife!

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