Chronic pain

If you are suffering from chronic pain, you are not alone. Chronic pain is a most common problem that can interfere with your everyday work and recreational activities. In many cases, chronic pain occurs without any causes. But many people experience this type of pain due to medical conditions or after an injury. The following factor can contribute to chronic pain:

  • Arthritis
  • Past surgeries
  • Back problem
  • Injury
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Fibromyalgia  

Chronic pain can feel like:

  • Burning
  • Shooting
  • Squeezing
  • Stinging
  • Soreness
  • Stiffness
  • A dull ache
  • Throbbing

This type of pain often leads to other conditions and symptoms such as mood swings, insomnia, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

Types of chronic pain

 There are different types of chronic pain, including:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches, including migraines
  • Cancer pain
  • Testicular pain
  • Lasting pain in scar tissue
  • Neurogenic pain   

If you suffer from chronic pain, you should visit a hospital or clinic for medical help. Avoiding this type of pain can affect the quality of your life.  

Physical therapy for chronic pain relief 

There are different invasive and non-invasive treatment options such as medication, surgery, acupuncture, exercise, and massage for chronic pain relief in Agoura Hills, CA. Many doctors and physical therapists recommend physical therapy to manage and ease chronic pain. This non-invasive treatment option can help you alleviate your chronic condition or pain without any medication or surgical process. Whether it is your back pain or joint pain, physical therapy can help you.  

In physical therapy treatment, experts can use different pain management strategies and techniques to reduce pain, improve movement, and restore physical strength. Common techniques used by experts for chronic pain relief in Agoura Hills, CA, include:

  • Hot and cold therapy
  • Stretching exercises
  • Strengthening exercises
  • ROM (range of motion) training
  • Ultrasound
  • Balance training
  • Massage therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Pain neuroscience education

How physical therapy treats chronic pain?

This therapy treatment has proven to be helpful in treating chronic conditions and pain. PT is a combination of hands-on techniques and therapeutic exercises. The goal of PT is to relieve pain and improve movement. You can consider this natural treatment approach to:

Reduce pain

Many physical therapists and doctors recommend physical therapy for pain management. Physical therapy is beneficial for finding the causes of pain and eliminating it from the root. If you are experiencing sharp or unmanageable pain, a therapist can use manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercises for instant chronic pain relief in Agoura Hills, CA. Your therapist can also help you to reduce swelling and stiffness with this therapy. 

Avoid the medication and surgery

Physical therapy can help you to alleviate your chronic pain and heal injury without any medication or surgical procedure.  

Reduce inflammation

People with a chronic condition may experience inflammation and sharp pain. Your therapist can offer different techniques such as massage, ultrasound, and hot & cold therapy to reduce inflammation and decrease the level of pain.  

Improve strength

Weak muscles and joints can contribute to injury and pain. By strengthening your body, you can manage and ease your chronic pain. Physical therapy includes different strengthening exercises to strengthen the core muscle and prevent future pain.  

Stretch tight muscles and joints

A tight muscle can be a leading cause of chronic pain. Stretching is essential to maintain flexibility and decrease chronic pain. By performing stretching exercises, you can improve the range of motion and reduce pain. Your therapist can offer different stretching exercises to relieve trigger points and muscle stress.  

Exercise safely

Wrong exercises and techniques can cause pain and damage your muscles. A trained and licensed physical therapist can teach you how to perform exercises and avoid injuries.

Improve posture and prevent injuries

Physical therapy can help you to improve your posture. Your therapist can also include a fall prevention program to decrease the risk of falls and injuries.  

Improve the recovery

You can consider a physical therapy treatment after an injury or surgery. PT can help you improve the outcome of the surgery by treating scar tissues and discomfort. Many healthcare experts recommend this treatment technique to optimize post-surgical performance.

Final words

If you are experiencing chronic pain without any injury, visiting a trusted and trained physical therapist can be an ideal option. They can help you address the leading causes of your pain and physical limitations. Your therapist may also develop a personalized physical therapy treatment plan in order to ease your pain from the root and restore your active life.