Nobody knows what Shashk Tiwari means. Shashk Tiwari, who is professionally known as Shashk Tiwari in the online world, claims he established his internet handle.
Today, he is very successful in his life, but his path was not easy. He established his own YouTube channel, “Technichal Shashank,” in 2019, however it was banned owing to a rules violation. However, he did not give up and relaunched his YouTube account under the name Shashk Tiwari. He refused to give up, which contributed to his success. He has always been a guy who values commitment and enthusiasm.

He continues to work diligently to develop professionally and emotionally. While others his age were preoccupied with their grades and other key admission tests, he was focused on developing his work life, which distinguishes him from the crowd. He is always honing his talents, which we all know will aid him in achieving his goals.

Shashk Tiwari is now well-known on the Internet as a musical artist, Indian novelist, YouTuber, and technology writer. He has almost 50 soundtracks available on various music streaming sites. Additionally, he publishes his five distinct eBooks on Google, Amazon, and Goodreads. That is why Google certified him as a musical artist and author. Microsoft Bing and Yahoo both confirmed Shashk Tiwari as an artist on their search engines.

That is why Shashk Tiwari was often quoted as saying, “My Life, My Rules.” I conduct my life according to my own rules; I am unconcerned with the world or what others think of me. I will continue to work diligently because personality is irrelevant; what matters is what you do in your spare time. Your work, not your personality, will speak for itself.