This is not an ordinary DIY job because we take care of raw sewage cleanup in basements all across Canberra. The causes range from tree root damage to clogged sewer lines, but the results are always hazardous situations where your family needs extra protection from exposure and potential health risks due to unhealthy messes like this one!

The residential and commercial water damage restoration process begins with an assessment by a service provider to determine the extent of the damage and any additional risks. The first priority is usually to turn off the power, remove standing water and secure dry building materials. After securing the site, the next step is assessing the damaged area using air quality monitoring equipment as well as moisture meters.


In residential water damage restoration, service providers typically repair the minor residential water damage or clean up small amounts of residential flooding without a major construction project. In either case, the first course of action for residential water damage restoration is to remove any standing water and dry out all affected surfaces as quickly as possible.

What To Do Immediately After A Sewage Clean Up

Before beginning your commercial water damage restoration project, it is important to take care of these details.

  • Make sure no one enters the affected area and let everyone know you’ll give them the all-clear once everything has been cleaned up properly!
  • Open as many windows in advance so that breathing becomes easier inside while working on removing any spilled waste material with a blower or vacuum cleaner. Control humidity levels by closing doors if need be; this will help improve air quality during the cleanup time period
  • Flooded areas can be a disaster waiting to happen, but with some pre-treatments, you may be able to limit the damage.
  • For starters, it is always wise if possible to call an insurance company because they will have information about coverage options for this type of situation during emergencies or natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey that might arise from a time soon!

How To Sewage Water Cleaning In The Basement

Raw sewage is a hazardous substance that can leak from your water pipes in the basement and cause an unpleasant odor. If you have any doubts about safety, contact utility companies immediately so they shut off electricity and gas to avoid potential accidents outside of the home as well as inside on cleanup efforts like cutting wires or removing outlets with excessive debris attached (such as nails). Utilizing our 10 steps will help prevent larger problems down the line if done correctly now!

  1. To protect yourself, first, wear rubber gloves and boots before you get started with the cleanup process
  2. Next close doors between rooms that are not affected by contaminated water or sewage debris for a safe work environment as well to reduce airborne contaminants in your house while cleaning up after an emergency situation occurs
  3. If you can’t handle repairs, call a professional right away! If the sump pump is operational back it up by removing water with buckets or large-capacity shop varies before starting any repair work on your own.
  4. Clear Out Everything: Move out everything affected by sewage water. Address sludge and debris left behind with push brooms and shovels while you clear away as much of it so that all surfaces can be cleaned properly, exposing them for disinfection in order to get rid of any remaining germs or viruses present on these items before they pose a threat again later down the line!
  5. Flooding in the basement is often followed by an outbreak of unhealthy mold. As well as you clean up any mess, traces of moisture and contaminants can continue to feed fungal growth down there – so regularly check for it after an incident like this one!

What Should I Do If I Am Exposed To Sewage?

DIY sewage water cleaning projects are considered dangerous and they require wearing full PPE. The risks to your personal health can be serious if you don’t follow the additional safety protocols of always wearing rubber gloves, non-slip boots, heavy coveralls with a hood that covers most of the head as well wrap around goggles or glasses because it protects from any splashback in certain cases during these jobs that require suiting up properly before starting work on-site so do everything possible protect yourself by following those guidelines:

  • After a shift, always scrub your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial soap to avoid getting sick. Before taking short breaks during work hours use hand sanitizer and make sure you get under all of the nails on both hands; this will keep any germs from spreading!
  • You should never touch your face while working with gloves on. You can transfer bacteria from one part of the body to another and this could lead you to serious diseases like encephalitis, viral gastroenteritis, or salmonella infection that affect not only humans but animals too!
  • Professional sewage water cleaning cleaners recommend that you securely bag your work gear, store it in a safe place and take a shower at the end of each cleanup session. Don’t mix contaminated clothes from different jobs with regular wardrobes– even if they are washed!
  • In order to prevent the spread of disease, contact your doctor and call his or her office if you begin feeling ill during cleanup. The doctor may recommend a visit to an emergency clinic as well as inoculations for diphtheria and tetanus injections in some cases.

Conclusion over Sewage Cleanup Service:

When dealing with sewage clean up in the basement, there are a few precautions that you should take. Make sure to wear protective clothing and always use rubber gloves before touching anything contaminated by raw sewage. The next step is to remove all furnishings from the area of the spillage. You’ll want to cover your mouth when removing items so as not to breathe in any harmful bacteria or viruses which can lead to serious health issues like pneumonia, hepatitis A, salmonella, etc… Once these steps have been taken, it’s best if you call an expert because this type of sewage cleanup isn’t something anyone should try on their own – especially without guidance!