Back Pain

Back pain is referred to as a pain in the back. It is divided into three categories. The first is neck pain also known as cervical pain. The second is mid-back pain. Third, is low back pain. The low back is also divided into two parts- lumbar area pain and pelvic pain ( lower tail of the backbone). Low back pain is the most common condition among people. The pain that occurred can be mild, moderate, or severe. It can last for days or months. Other symptoms followed with the pain are numbness and soon the pain propagates to the hands and legs causing weakness in these body parts.


There is no specific reason associated, but any shocking change in the discs can cause chronic pain in the back. Other reasons can be muscle strain, connective tissue like ligaments or tendon strain ( this can be caused by lifting heavy objects or an improper movement during exercise or any physical activity), arthritis, and osteoporosis.


Sciatica is a type of back pain caused by some issue with the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a long and large nerve that runs through the hip joint and lower limbs. It reaches the feet of each leg. Sciatic pain starts from the lower back or lumbar region and progresses through the hips, thighs, and down till the foot. This pain can be experienced anywhere between the nerve trail. 

The pain can range from mild to sharp with burning and electric-shock like sensations. This can be triggered by long-time sitting, little physical activity, and further exacerbated by reflex actions like coughing and sneezing. Numbness, tingling sensations, or muscle weakness is considered evidence of sciatic pain. 


Several causes are attributed to sciatica. 

  1. Age
    As people grow they tend to lose their capacity of performing several functions due to weak bodies (muscles and bones). Common problems in old age are herniated discs, slip discs, and weak bones.  
  2. Imbalanced body
    Excess body weight puts too much pressure on the internal organs. Fat accumulation around the waist and hips puts pressure on the vertebrae causing damage to the nerves.  
  3. Desk-around jobs
    Desk around jobs impels us to sit for a long time. This prolonged sitting does harm to the body. People in this type of occupation are at high risk of developing sciatica. Similarly, occupations like driving, lifting heavy weights are also the reason for sciatica.  
  4. Diabetes
    People with blood sugar problems endanger a high risk of nerve damage. 

Role Of Physical Therapy

Mostly back pain and sciatica can be treated without any surgery. The highest quality treatment for back pain and sciatica is physical therapy and exercise. 

Physical therapists will provide significant relief to the symptoms and encourage therapeutic healing of the root cause.

Not only physical therapists but chiropractors, certified athletic trainers, and physicians (specialized in rehabilitation and medicine) are equally able to cure the condition. 

Physical therapists work in the direction of strengthening weak muscles and tissues of the abdomen, pelvic area, hips region, and thighs. 

The objective of physical therapy is to reduce the following symptoms.

  • Muscle spasms
  • Immobility of lower body
  • Painful movements
  • Restore spine functionality 

A physical therapist will acknowledge all the details of your problems then provide personalized therapy and exercises. 

A therapist also gives knowledge to further prevent the disease and how to manage daily-life activities. Your therapy may include a lot of exercises that can be done at home too. 

Other Interventions May Include 

  1. Regular exercises will keep you active, fit and engage your muscles in physical activity. Sometimes unused muscles can create back pain. Our body is designed to work. The more physical activity, the fewer the diseases. You should exercise according to the condition you are suffering from, don’t try to twist and stretch all the joints and muscles.  
  2. If you have a coughing problem and you smoke a lot, better be aware of the consequences you are going to face. Too much coughing can create disc problems in the spine. Quitting smoking can be a prevention against back pain because it triggers the cough and worsen the problem.  
  3. Try maintaining correct postures. Whether you sit, stand, exercise, or lift, be aware of the twists and turns. Good posture eliminates the risk of back pain and sciatica. Don’t lift heavy loads if you are already suffering from back pain or sciatica.  

Though back pain and sciatica are treatable and sometimes the pain goes on its own. But if you feel the following symptoms, rush to a doctor immediately. 

  1. No bowel or bladder function.
  2. Numbness or no feeling in the affected leg.
  3. A feeling of weak muscles in the affected leg 

Physical therapists are able to fix the problem but we do not recommend you to go to a physical therapist without having a consultation with a doctor. Let the doctor examine the problem, only after then you can opt for the option of physical therapy.