Imagine this, you are scrolling on Facebook and a cute dog video catches your eyes, you instantly find it wholesome and want to share that video with your family and friends on different platforms, or even re-post it too and you try out all the available options only to find out that none of them allows the download of FB videos or images directly on the device. If you have found yourself in this place often then we have got you covered.

Now, you can easily download FB videos and images for free and in high quality by using some external sources as Facebook doesn’t provide any official feature to save fb posts directly on the device.

If you have searched in nook and cranny to find the best alternative to download FB posts and couldn’t find one, then you are in luck to have landed on this article because here we will discuss the best and easiest way to download FB videos and images. So, if this sounds up your alley then make sure you read this article till the end.

Best Way To Download FB Posts For Free

We highly recommend using a third-party app to download Facebook videos and images easily. This is the most convenient option available in the market as a good FB video downloader app provides many amazing features all under one roof and for free, thereby, keeping all the hassle at bay.

One such app is the “Status Download for WhatsApp” app powered by jameinfotech. When talking about convenience, this app stands first in line. Its unmatched efficiency and versatility vouch for its position as number one.


  • Versatile app; allows download from various platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • Daily posts available; this app has a separate dedicated section for bringing to you freshly brewed content and posts that you can use for various occasions like festivals of Diwali, Holi, and Eid, etc.
  • Allows re-sharing of the downloaded content.
  • User-friendly interface and easy process.
  • The app doesn’t bug with too many ads.

The Process To Download FB Posts Using A Third-Party App Is Very Simple

Get the app for free from Google Play Store.

  • Run the downloaded app and switch to the “FB videos” tab by swiping right.
  • Register/ login into your FB account via this app.
  • View your FB feed and navigate to the video you wish to download via this app.
  • Click on the video and select the “download” option from the popup box.
  • On the next page, click on the “down arrow” to complete the save.

You will find the content in the “saved” section of the app. Head onto its “how to use” section for more help.


We hope this article was resourceful to you and that you will make the most of this information and the online tool mentioned above.

Before initiating the downloading process, please make sure you have taken the due permission from the user whose content you wish to save to your device. Use this information and online tool responsibly.

Also Read: Best Ways To Download WhatsApp Status Online For Free