There are many things throughout your day that can cause you a great deal of stress. If you hang onto this anxiety as you get ready for bed, it may rob you of your much needed sleep. There are many things you can do to relax and prepare to get a great night’s rest. Here are a few ideas to try when you feel too hyped up to fall asleep

Meditate Before Bed

Set aside time before you sleep to meditate or practice some yoga. Prepare the area for the exercise, such as laying out a mat or towel on the floor. Dim the lights and start some relaxing music or sounds if this works for you. You can also diffuse relaxing scents, such as those designed by D Gary Young, to put yourself in the correct mindset. Research which ones are the best for relaxation and determine what smells appeal to you. If you intend to do mediation, set at least five minutes to do this and adjust the process if you need to. Yoga might take longer especially if you have chosen several poses in your routine. 

Avoid Caffeinated Products

Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in many food sources. When you eat chocolate or drink coffee,  black tea, or colas, you are consuming it. If you are prone to anxiety, you should plan to avoid these substances shortly after noon. Be sure to give yourself at least eight hours between your last cup and your scheduled time for bed so that you can work it out of your system. You can substitute them for water, juice, or herbal tea. You can also consider weaning yourself from these foods and beverages completely, which will drop your stress level and help you relax overall.

Work Out Regularly

Getting regular exercise will reduce your stress and tire you out. This will set you up for an anxiety free evening of sleep. When you work out, you can let go of whatever is bothering you and relax. Be careful to schedule this for the afternoon and keep it from your evening activities. The closer that you do this to bedtime, the more likely the adrenaline will keep you awake and cause problems of its own. Try a few different types of routines until you find one that you like. Also, try to vary what you do so that you have less of a chance of getting bored. This might cause you to skip days or avoid going altogether. 

Prepare Your Bedroom

As you are getting ready for bed, get your bedroom ready for you to rest. Lower the temperature so that it is cool enough for you. However, have comfortable blankets nearby to cover up with if you get cold. Take the items away from the space that may make a noise that will disturb you. If you need sounds in the background, turn on soft music or a white noise machine. Draw the curtains or blinds to make the room dark. Shop for a new mattress in the event that yours is old and worn. Find one that is the right softness for you so that you can let go of your stress and relax.

Set a Consistent Alarm

Determine what time at night you want to go to bed and when you should wake up in the morning. Getting on a set routine will help you relax because that is one less thing to worry about. Your body will become accustomed to it and you will become sleepy about that time. Do your best to stick to this schedule and prepare for sleep at the time you are supposed to even if you are away from home. This should also be followed on the weekend to stay consistent.

Shut Down All Electronics

Televisions and computers can cause a sense of urgency and stress in those who use them. The screens on this equipment can disturb your sleep pattern and give you insomnia. Turn your devices off an hour before you are supposed to fall asleep. If you are bored as you wait to fall asleep, you can read a book, take a warm bath, or do a puzzle to pass the time until you are drowsy. Whatever you choose, stay away from activities that may make you upset. If you try to do something that will cause you anxiety, you will stay awake thinking about it instead of resting. 

Look At Your Medications

The prescriptions that you take may have a stimulant ingredient that will prevent you from getting drowsy. This can apply to medications that are given to you from your doctor and ones that you purchase over the counter. If you are staying awake at night or are feeling a large amount of anxiety, talk to your pharmacist or your physician about it. They will be able to inform you of the ingredients in the drugs and refer you to an option that will help you sleep. Your doctor might also have to prescribe a different solution that will relax you instead of hype you up. 

Let Go Of Bad Habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. It can prevent your body from getting into a deep sleep, leaving you restless and anxious. Consider weaning yourself from these habits to assist you in getting better rest. You should also avoid eating large, heavy meals right before bed. They can sit in your belly and cause discomfort, which will make it difficult for you to rest. 

Limit Your Nap Time

While getting rest during the day is a great idea, too much napping might make it a challenge to sleep at bedtime. If you need to doze during the day, determine a short amount of time to do so then set an alarm to get yourself up. Try to keep yourself awake after late afternoon. The closer you get to the end of the day, the less likely you will be able to fall asleep when that time comes. Schedule any downtime that you intend to take for early afternoon or find some other activity to help you relax. Taking a jog or going for a walk is great exercise that will wake you up and keep you stimulated instead of allowing you to nap. Your life can be very stressful, whether it would be from work, school, or family events. This anxiety can prevent you from sleeping at night. Finding ways to help you relax, staying away from food, drinks, and medication that can keep you up, and setting up a regular bedtime routine can help you relax and fall asleep every time.