The green agenda is something that many companies strive toward, but not many seem to achieve. This can be reducing the plastics your business uses and monitoring waste, turning to digitalization to stop your workers from commuting so often to work, or even reorganizing your office to work off newer and more sustainable energies. Here is how you can help your business meet the green agenda and how this can help your business.

#1 Hybrid working

Hybrid working has gone from being something that was quite rare to something that is almost commonplace. Many employers have shunned it, along with working from home, and have completely ignored the benefits that it has had on their companies because they are stuck chasing after the ‘pre-COVID normal’.

If you don’t know what hybrid working is, it involves working in the office part-time and working at home part-time, hence becoming ‘hybrid’. It is a good way to be able to hire more people than you have in the past, meaning that technically you can double your employee number but still spend the same amount on your office space.

How this can help your business

Hybrid working can help your business in many ways. It can be a great opportunity to be able to expand your business headcount, as mentioned above. It can also be a great way to help your business cut down on carbon emissions because if only half, or even less, of your workforce is traveling by car to work, you have cut their amount of commutes each week by half. That means you have not only saved your workers money on gas, you have also cut down on the number of emissions that your business is responsible for, therefore reducing your carbon footprint, even if it is only by a little bit.

#2 Reducing non-recyclable waste

If your business cannot facilitate hybrid working, you might be wondering if there are any other ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint. One sure way is by reducing your amount of waste. Obviously, the amount of waste your business generates is all down to the business sector that you are in, so you will need to do ample research to make sure that the decisions you are making are healthy for your business. For example, if you work in dentistry, you are going to need to meet certain hygiene guidelines. By doing enough research into reducing single use plastics in the dental industry, you might be able to come up with an answer to the problems faced by your particular practice, as there might not be a one-size-fits-all solution..

How this can help your business

This can help your business lower its contribution to the massive amount of waste that businesses send to landfills every day. It can help reduce litter in the oceans and help the planet cope with the amount of rubbish that is being put onto and into its surface. You will need to take care, however, as there can be a lot of careful choices when it comes to swapping things out, and the alternatives are much more expensive.