The term trade mark is the legal term for intellectual property, which can be a word, name, phrase, logo and symbol among other things. It is a form of brand protection and what distinguishes your business from other products and services.

Whether you are starting a business or you’re already up and running, chances are your company has unique names, logos, products, phrases, symbols and designs. And, these are the things that create your business’ identity. They are what separate you from your competitors and what helps build brand loyalty and recognition among consumers—making them vital to your business’s success and the most valuable marketing tool.

While you can register a trade mark online, a trade mark attorney can assist with application process, as well as provide legal advice and guidance regarding copyright, trade marks and intellectual property.

Continue reading for more information about trade marks.


What is a Trademark?

IP Australia is very clear about this, ‘A trade mark is not just a logo.’

As mentioned above, a trademark is a form of brand protection that distinguishes your company, products, services and name from those of your competitors.  

Trade marks can be the original names, logos, phrases and designs that are a symbol of your business’s identity. When you trademark such assets, you restrict other people from using the same and protect your intellectual property from public misuse. 

There are a plethora of things a company can trademark including:

  • A business name or signage
  • A logo or picture
  • A music tune used in an advertisement
  • A jingle
  • A company logo
  • Packaging
  • A word in a specific font
  • A phrase or slogan
  • A number
  • A combination of the above

For or a business or individual to protect their intellectual property, they need to register their trade mark through IP Australia.