Acing the skincare consumer market is no piece of cake. Brands have to compete on product quality as well as providing elegant custom printed shipping boxes. With a lot of stakes riding on the packaging, there is absolutely no room for error.

Given that the customers would interact with the packaging first, e-skincare brands have to match the packaging grade with the products. After all, if the packaging looks shabby, what will buyers think of the brand and skincare items?

Customers must be given a strong motivation to buy on a loop and make the brand their favorite skincare business. When buyers shop online, they expect their deliveries to come in the best form and that includes the packaging built to impress.

Here are some designs that can be inspiring yet relevant for skincare shipment.

  1. Think natural

The demand for natural skincare products is at an all-time high. Consider picking colors and graphics that depict the items as such. It doesn’t mean that the customers are misled about the products’ components. Rather choosing a soothing mix of colors extends a feeling of calm that customers often associate with skincare.

Take The Body shop as an example. Their packaging is minimalistic. The top flaps are easy to open and close and make for a convenient unboxing experience. Light color hues go well with the components used for each product. Suitable illustrations convey important product info and are pleasing to the eyes.

Customers who prefer a sophisticated brand appeal would be impressed by a simple yet dignified shipping packaging. it adds the same attributes to the products and makes them seem fit for use.

  1. Consider different skin tones

The packaging can represent skincare items for varied skin types and tones.

It works effectively to print the ingredients on the box covers. People having specific skin issues can relate to each ingredient when it is placed right at the front. It is also useful to state the specific product use in clear fonts that are easily readable.

When customers see the product packaging on the company’s website, they are more prone to select it owing to its relevance with their tastes.

Moisturizers with varied fragrances and complimenting certain skin types are good examples of how each unit is packaged using distinct colors and printed content.

  1. Use custom inserts for multiple product components

Certain skincare products come in 2 or 3 parts that have to be used together and as stated. Using custom inserts is a great way to hold them in place during transit. It also saves on using individual boxes for each item. Customers feel convenience in using the products as instructed when the components are packaged together, causing no confusion.

Even if the products are singular, custom trays look alluring nonetheless. It keeps the fragile skincare items safe and shake-proof. These trays give a premium vibe and generate positive customer feedback.

Custom packaging inserts come in foam, cardboard, and plastic forms. Brands can pick the one that fits their needs and the product’s nature. Additionally, these work best to display small skincare items near cash tills. Buyers feel inclined towards packaging that is unique yet approachable. Adding header cards are also a constructive way to convey promotions and introducing new skincare items.

custom printed shipping boxes

  1. Pick creative box shapes

The outer custom printed shipping boxes shape captures instant customer attention. With innovative printing methods, brands do not have to settle for the traditional box form. Any custom shape is achievable to create protective and stylish shipping containers.

Folding cartons- they close with top flaps. Products are kept secure while making it possible to re-access the items several times.

One-piece mailers – come in a sleek box shape. The units open creatively and can be covered with custom sleeves for added visual effects.

Auto-lock boxes – corrugated stock is the most viable shipping material. Auto-lock bottoms are easier to assemble and provide extra protection during shipping.

Artistic box appeal lies at the heart of durable customer loyalty. Buyers want to feel valued and a productive brand value proposition is cultivated with offbeat box appeal. Boxes that are designed to pleasantly surprise naturally get sold more and often appear in the unboxing videos to prompt further escalation in sales.

  1. Add custom box printing effects

How can customers identify the brand logo? With so many graphics on the boxes, the brand logo can stand out using:

  • Foil stamping. The brand name and unique emblem can be stamped using gold or silver foils. The texts immediately stand out from the rest of the printed content. It highlights the logo to create brand recognition.
  • Embossing and debossing the brand name also enables the text to stick out.
  • Laminations and coatings. Shipping boxes pass through varied ports. The boxes are subject to fluctuating handling and storage. Laminating and coating them saves the boxes from getting damaged and torn. The covering gives an extra sparkle to the packaging too.
  • Custom font sizes and style make a great impact in holding readers’ attention. The skincare items must be described using simple language and understandable fonts.

Moreover, adding graphics and relative illustrations help too. if the skincare packaging is small to medium-sized, using pictures can save on using excessive texts. Marketing looks attractive with colorful and eye-catching illustrations.

  1. Standing true with the brand values

Special care must be taken to join all the branding dots together. The digital and print ads must all be consistent in telling the same branding attributes. Otherwise, the effect might be missed.

Packaging skincare in different boxes with the same brand details helps to align all the items to the brand aesthetics. Customers would spot the brand at all points of contact and trust it for their skincare-related problems along with a host of other services.


Sticking with the above 6 design methods would undoubtedly create the best custom printed shipping boxes. Skincare items need to be marketed appropriately as well as boxed with perfection so the maximum number of customers can be impressed.