Following recommended safety procedures is essential to ensure the safety of your warehouse workers and prevent damaged products. Here are some tips to safely use industrial shelving units.

Have a Shelving Plan

When you install new industrial storage shelving, you should plan where the shelving will go and determine its intended use. The shelving you choose should match the needs and requirements of your warehouse. This means that it should work with the building’s structure and layout rather than squeeze in units that are not designed for the space.

Your storage shelving solutions should also match the items they are going to hold. This means not overloading them with things that are too heavy. Also, you shouldn’t stack the industrial shelving units higher than recommended by the manufacturer.

Working with a plan will make sure that your shelving meets both your current and future needs.

Proper Training

Implementing proper training of equipment used around shelving will reduce the chances of injury from mishandling materials or equipment. This includes making sure everyone knows how to load, unload, and properly transport inventory. This is especially important for hazardous materials or heavy items.

Maintenance Matters

Be mindful of weight limits for the industrial shelving units. Exceeding the recommended weight limits can lead to equipment failures, which in turn can cause injuries and damaged products. As Western Pacific Storage Solutions’ products are industrial steel, there is minimal upkeep required on the shelving units themselves. However, ensuring that all equipment used around the facility is up to date and properly maintained is an important aspect of maintaining high safety standards.

Make Safety a Priority

Focusing on employee safety will help to reduce accidents and injuries. Implement regular safety meetings and schedule refreshers to review safety protocols. Making safety a priority in this way will help your team develop respect for and adherence to safe work practices.

If you see safety lapses or witness unsafe work practices, work quickly to halt the hazardous practice and follow up by reviewing safe work protocols.

Industrial shelving comes in many sizes and configurations designed to suit different building types and storage needs. It’s important to select the appropriate solution for your needs.

Get in touch with the top quality industrial storage solutions for safety and durability. It can also be expanded, with additional levels of storage being added as needed.