Orthopaedics is the branch of medicine that focuses on the musculoskeletal system — our bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

The musculoskeletal system is quite complex in nature and individuals of all ages can suffer from disease and injury that targets these structures.

Orthopaedic clinicians and surgeons use a wide range of orthopaedic medical devices to diagnose and treat their patients. These can be invasive in nature — such as an arthroplasty (surgical reconstruction) or may consist of simple rehabilitation exercises.

Orthopaedic clinicians play a valuable role in the medical sector. As humans, we rely on our musculoskeletal system for close to every task or activity we undertake. From playing sports to sitting at a desk chair, it is our bones, muscles, and ligaments that do the (literal and figurative) heavy lifting to keep our body functioning.

Common disorders that orthopedists treat include:

  • Joint pain resulting from arthritis
  • Fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Sports related injuries
  • Congenital disorders

Innovative Orthopaedic Medical Devices

What Types of Devices does an Orthopaedic Surgeon Use?

As is the case with any type of medical professional, orthopaedic clinicians and surgeons rely on a wide range of tools to diagnose and treat their patients.

For any type of surgery, an orthopedist will utilise standard operating room products. These include surgical helmet systems, skin adhesives, sterile tourniquets, patient support systems, and cold compression therapy. Such products are known as consumables and must be on hand for surgeons to carry out their work effectively and efficiently. These consumables often come pre-packed in operational procedural kits, making it simple for healthcare facilities to keep track of stock levels.

In addition to consumable products, orthopedists frequently make use of capital equipment to diagnose their patient. An x-ray machine, for example, is commonly used to provide an in-depth look at the skeletal system, enabling doctors to make informed decisions about treatment options.

Orthopaedic injuries can be painful, whether the patient is suffering from a chronic disorder, such as arthritis, or an acute injury, like a broken bone. As such, pain management tools and therapies play a valuable role in the treatment of orthopaedic patients. Such tools include anaesthesia itself, alongside equipment that enables medication to be delivered in a safe and hygienic manner.

Finally, as is the case for all healthcare specialities, infection control is a predominant concern for clinicians and nurses working in the orthopaedic sector. This is particularly true when it comes to patients that are recovering from surgery. Hospital disinfection products are required to ensure that the operating room and recovery areas are kept pathogen free, reducing the risk of infection for both patients and healthcare workers alike.

The Future of Orthopaedics

The field of orthopaedics has progressed tremendously over the past few decades. Whilst previously, arthritis may have meant that you suffered pain in your joints for years on end, there are now a range of technologies that can be used to alleviate suffering and help patients look towards a brighter future.

Biologics is an excellent example of such technology.

A biologic is a type of drug produced from a living organism that is used to treat a variety of diseases. A vaccine is an example of a biologic. In reference to the orthopaedic sector, biologics are often used to treat arthritis and other degenerative diseases that attack the musculoskeletal system.

Biologics are often prescribed in situations where previous treatments and therapies have not worked. They target the immune system and reduce the likelihood of inflammation occurring, which provokes the pain associated with arthritis. There are four different types of biologics used to treat arthritis; B-cell inhibitors, interleukin inhibitors, selective co-stimulation modulators, and TNF inhibitors.

Biologics do not work for everyone, which is why it is very important that patients have open and honest discussions with their treating physician before considering this as a treatment option.

There are many other innovations in the orthopaedic sector that have led to improved quality of patient care. For example, the development of robotic technology has enabled surgeons to perform operations with increased precision, at a level that never would have been thought possible a few decades ago.

Medical equipment manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of their orthopaedic medical devices, which in turn has a direct impact on the level of patient care that clinicians are able to provide. Such innovations are expected to continue into the future, leading to decreased recovery times and improved diagnostic ability.