Many factors can lead to knee pain. The overuse, injury, or arthritis could be the causes. It is important that you avoid these factors and consider them when your knee pain occurs. If you are prone to knee pain, such as if your knees hurt from standing or sitting, you might want to see a doctor, as they will give a suggestion that will help in Treating knee pain.

This kind of pain is caused by certain injuries such as the:

  • This is arthritis of the joints. This can occur in any joint of your body. The most common are the hips, knees, and hands. This can lead to stiffness or swelling.
  • Arthritis in the knee. The most frequent cause of pain in the knees and the largest cause of degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis. For pain relief, ice may be added to your treatment. Physical therapy can also help to strengthen your joint. To improve blood circulation, heat may be added.
  • Rheumatoid and plantar fasciitis are other causes of pain in the knees. They are often worsened by obesity. Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis often have to be in their forties and older. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the fascia tissue in your foot becomes inflamed. The treatment of plantar fasciitis can be helped by heat or ice, although rheumatoid patients should consult a doctor first.

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While knee injuries can be common for most people, these are usually caused by arthritis or aging. Your doctor should be consulted if your knee pain is related to one of these conditions. Because of the possibility that your cartilage is damaged, knee injuries can be very serious. This will make it difficult for you to heal. Anyone who suffers from this kind of injury can experience severe pain.

Sometimes knee pain can be due to underlying bone or joint problems. Osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis is progressive and causes the bones break down. It is a gradual loss of cartilage, which normally protects bones at the ends. As a result the bones can rub against each another. Sometimes, it may be necessary for surgery to restore the cartilage.

Bursitis results in knee pain from irritating the bursa which protects the tendons. Bursitis is a condition that causes pain in the knees when the bursa becomes inflamed. Bursitis is caused by inflammation of the bursa. This will cause more friction, which can lead to more pain. It may be worth speaking with a physical therapist to address persistent knee pains. A physical therapist will evaluate you and suggest treatment options. Some physical therapists may include ultrasound, electrical stimulation, deep heat, cold therapy, and manual therapy.

You may be able to get rid of knee pain with exercises, stretching, weight loss, or anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, a physical therapist might recommend how to prevent painful knees in the future. Also, don’t ignore your knee pain. It is better to not ignore your pain and go see a chiropractor or doctor for treatment. Many will suggest the minimal shoes for running.


  • You can have knee pain from many causes, as you can see. To be sure that your health care provider can diagnose and prescribe a suitable treatment, if you are suffering from recurring knee pain it is worth visiting a physician.
  • Your health care provider should be able to determine what is causing your symptoms and how to relieve them.
  • Your provider could recommend that your doctor refer you to an osteopath, podiatrist, or physical therapy specialist depending on how severe your symptoms are. The doctor may recommend medication for you to ease your symptoms in some instances.