SQL users occasionally encounter situations where they do not have a full database backup and the Log file becomes corrupted or gets damaged due to several reasons like an unexpected power outage, virus infection, etc. Or someone accidentally deleted the log file, such situations leaving users with the only primary database file. In this case, users want to know how to attach SQL database without log file? 

If you are looking answer for the same, then you will get the best solutions here. But before directly approaching the solution segment, here is a real example. 

Database Name: Testdata

Data File:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\testdata.mdf

Log File: Not Available

All About SQL Server Database

The SQL database is one of the most widely used databases for all types of company and customer accounting. It is commonly used in business platforms for storing and managing data. SQL server uses data files (MDF and NDF) and Log file (LDF) to store its data:

1. Primary Database File (MDF): MDF aka Master Database Files are primary database files that contain all of the database’s information. It contains all the user’s data including tables, views, stored procedures, functions, etc. MDF files have .mdf file extension.

2. Secondary Database File (NDF): NDF files are the secondary database files of SQL Server and can be used to store data. When an MDF database file is reached the maximum storage limit, then NDF files will create to store the data. The secondary database file extension is .ndf.

3. Log File (LDF): The transaction log files include all of the SQL database’s transactional information. Each database consists of at least one log file. LDF files have file extension .ldf.

Different Methods for Attach SQL Database Without Log File

We can attach SQL database without an LDF file (log file), and there are several methods for doing so. 

Note: Before performing the manual steps make sure the database file is in a healthy state.

Method 1: Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to attach an MDF file 

To attach the database without the LDF file, follow the procedures below:

  • Open MS SQL Management Studio.
  • Right-click on the Databases option in the Object Explorer tab. Select Attach from the drop-down menu selection.
  • Doing so will launch the Attach Databases wizard. Here, press the Add button.
  • In the Locate Database Files window, choose the MDF file and click OK.
  • The database details will be displayed in the Attach Database Wizard. Choose the LDF file from the list and press the Remove button. Then, for uploading an MDF file without an LDF, click OK.
  • SQL Server will then build a new Log file once the MDF file is attached successfully.
  • Check your database in the databases folder to see if the MDF is connected.

Method 2: Attach SQL database without log file via T-SQL Command

You can attach the Master Database file and regenerate the log file by running a T-SQL script on SQL Query. Perform the below-mentioned command to achieve your task.

• In the Server Management Studio toolbar, select New Query.

• Then run the following query:


 (FILENAME = ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\testdata.mdf’)



Note- For command, testdb is the name of the database. In your case, your database name will depend on your preference.

Once the query has been properly run, you can access your database via the database folder. 

What if the MDF file becomes corrupted?

SQL Database Recovery Tool is a professional program for repairing corrupted, broken, and damaged SQL Database MDF and NDF files. It can retrieve tables, stored procedures, views, functions, triggers, and keys. It also supports both ANSII and UNICODE XML data formats and recovers data from MDF files infected with Wallet Ransomware. This program can scan and fix numerous NDF files.


After reciting the above blog, we know how to attach SQL database without log file. If the MDF file is in healthy condition, users can easily attach the log files using the discussed manual methods. Otherwise, in the situation of the MDF file corruption, a reputable SQL database recovery program is recommended for recovery. 

User Questions and Expert Answers

Can I attach a corrupted SQL database using manual steps?

No, you can only attach the SQL Server database if the database file is in good condition. To finish this process, you will first need to repair and then restore the database.

What is the most effective method for repairing a corrupt MDF file?

You can repair the MDF file by using the CHECKDB command. However, it will not be able to address severe corruption issues. You can use an automated program, such as SQL Recovery, to resolve such issues.