The technology of Run Flat tyres shaped the tyre industry. Originally developed in 1935, these tyres offer resistance to punctures. They are famous for retaining the air pressure even after the puncture has occurred. Michelin had developed an inner lining tyre in 1934 that had a safety rim inside it. After that other companies also tried their hands in the technology of developing the Run flats. 

One development led to the other and Run-Flats by brands like Goodyear Tyres Southampton came into existence. People often find themselves confused about how these tyres work and their pros and cons. This blog has all the information you need on run-flat tyres. 

What are Run-Flat tyres?

Tyres that can retain the air pressure inside them after a puncture occurs are Run Flat tyres. They can offer a distance of almost 50 – 100 miles after a puncture. You no longer need to stop the vehicle when troubled by a puncture. 

Types of Run Flat tyres

Self-supporting and Auxiliary supported are different run-flats. The first type withstands the weight of the vehicle when the tyre pressure is low. However, you would need a tyre pressure monitoring system to let you know that the tyre has been punctured and the tyre pressure is slowly depleting. 

Auxiliary Run Flat tyres do not have stiff rubber. They contain a support ring made of steel that is attached to the wheel. This ring provides support and holds the weight of your vehicle when the tyre is punctured. 

Benefits of Run Flat tyres

Safety: The safety of drivers is the first priority of tyre makers. Puncture and blowouts often compromise your safety. They can lead to accidents and road hazards. You may get stranded on a road famous for robberies. Sometimes the weather can be bad and fixing the puncture on your own becomes a challenging task. Run Flat tyres can provide complete safety in such circumstances. They let you drive for about 100 miles at a slow speed. This means you get enough time to find a mechanic. 

More trunk storage: Carrying a spare tyre or puncture repair kit occupies space in the trunk. It also adds to the weight of your car. But with run-flat tyres Southampton fitted to your car, you no longer need to carry a spare tyre or puncture repair kit.

Better concentration: You are able to concentrate more on the drive when you have a Run Flat tyre.

Enhanced performance: The overall performance of your car also goes up with a pair of Run-flat tyres. 

Disadvantages of Run Flat tyres

  • Run-flat tyres are expensive when compared to the standard conventional tyres. Due to an enhanced and improved technology used in their manufacture, these tyres come with a heavy price tag. 
  • You get noisy drives with Run-Flat tyres. 
  • The fuel economy also takes a hit with these tyres. They require more pressure to operate and thus, more fuel is burnt.