Selecting the right eCommerce store is not a decision to be taken lightly whether your business is small and looking to grow quite fast or yours a huge enterprise brand that is looking to explore the new options.

There are some bigger names that are no doubt cropping up, such as Magento, Shopify, and BigCommerce, as you are researching your options here.

It makes a lot of sense to make side-by-side comparisons for these three major players in the game since they not only make up a large percent of the market share, but some are also showing some interesting innovations as they are adapting to the changes of the industry.

Check out the things that distinguish every option and which might be the best eCommerce platform offered by the Shopify Experts & Ecommerce Agency for your business requirements here.

You can easily narrow down your possibilities as some options are much pricier than the rest for budgeting the eCommerce platform. Make sure to factor in not just the initial costs to set up the system but also the ongoing maintenance, hosting as well as security costs over your total costs of ownership here.

Cost Factor

Magento is quite expensive, with the cost to license this software varies based on the products that you are using. Magento is an Open Source that is technically free to download from its official website, where you can cover every hosting, development, security, and design fee. Shopify, on the other hand, is subjected to varied kinds of pricing options as it depends on the complexity of businesses. BigCommerce is a highly affordable option that comes with a number of different options offered at different cost factors.

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Ease of Use

The simplicity of the platform is for the team that can use it, and this is yet another important factor that is included here. You and your team can understand the way the exercises can help with the features of the system to make complete use of the platform by the Shopify Experts & Ecommerce Agency. You likely wish to have a system that is both easy to use on the backend and easy for the marketing teams as well for making the changes on the front end. Magento is quite complex as it does not come with any training wheels. While both Shopify and BigCommerce are user-friendly to create online shops without having a background in the website development niche.

Theme Selection

One of the primary things that many businesses are worrying about is the way in which their site will look after the budget and the ease-of-use concerns here. To be able to compete for their attention is through the first impression that many customers will have of your online store through the visual elements. Selecting the right template or theme for your site is very important in terms of creating the look and the feel that you desire to this end. Magento does not offer any theme as the part of the software that is native enough. Shopify also offers themes that are available or free from purchases. BigCommerce also has several templates from which they can select the ones that are supposedly the best ones. Stencil being the theme platform for BigCommerce, can incorporate the latest and the best practices in design, technology, SEO as well as conversions.


There are different sets of needs and priorities that every business would have. You might need options for different customer groups depending on your industry, as you might need to offer several payment gateways or shopping options to help keep up with the competitors if you are a B2B seller. There is a massive selection of characteristics that would be including the respective support to the product catalogs with variants of the native product bundles and groups, including the cross-selling as well as the up-selling features here through Magento.

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There are also add ons as well as extensions for the users here. There are also a few native features with Shopify, including the functionalities that can be achieved through the third-party app store. BigCommerce can ultimately save money for businesses by not relying on third-party apps as they offer an extensive number of native features.


You are sure not to come across the shortages of the eCommerce platforms from which you can select as there is no secret that these eCommerce platforms carry a few of the biggest names in the online businesses.