The dining table is the sparkling bright spot of Christmas this year. It is the place where we enjoy good food, exchange stories with each other and where you can excel when it comes to styling. This year probably not a meter-long table with the whole family, but we make it cozy at home anyway. With our tips, decorating becomes a breeze.

No Christmas stress this year, with these styling tips you are in control!

1. A good foundation is half the battle

Just like decorating your Christmas tree, choose a base color to set the tone; this will be the basis of your Christmas table. Are you going for a popping color palette or do you prefer soft color tones? Tip: choose one color group (for example brown tones) as the basis, then you can later make a statement with the crockery and decoration.

2. Make it personal: what is your style?

Think about which style you want to go for, such as the Scandinavian style where natural elements and minimalism play the leading role. Or go for an authentic Christmas style this year (hello childhood memories), where glassware and traditional Christmas colors such as red, green and gold are the center of attention.

3. Add something of yourself

Now that you are the stylist yourself, how nice is it to add a customized element? In this DIY we explain how to make a modern Christmas wreath with fresh or dried flowers. Nice to put on the table or to hang.

4. The finishing touch …

So, now that your table is set, that one special guest cannot be missed. Let your interior bloom during the holidays with flowers! Especially for this Christmas, our floral shop is richly filled with the most beautiful floral designs. From stylish fresh bunches and matching limited edition vases to luxurious dried flowers on a pedestal; dot the i’s with our party collection or surprise someone else with our festive designs.

We are curious how you festively decorate your Christmas table this year! Share your magical moments with #bloomon.