With the digital world, SEO has been a crucial part to run the online business smoothly. Any non-technical person can understand SEO up to basic levels but SEO is the deep sea, to keep the online business running smoothly, it’s a good idea to hire SEO Agency Dubai to tackle the last moment issues. As seo is mainly for creating better presence over the internet, it’s important to upgrade the online business and functionality with the time. Reaching the target audiences is the main goal of effective SEO. To boost the business, it’s important to avoid certain mistakes for the profitable online business!

  • Using Un-optimized or Wrong Keyword

Because the search engine ranking is based on how many times the keywords are utilized in the content in relation to the chosen keywords. As a result, there’s a good risk that your article will get a low search engine ranking. As a result, the earlier you include the keyword term in your text, the more chance it has of ranking higher. It’s generally a good idea to use it in the opening paragraph of your content if you can introduce it organically.

  • Content Being Mobile Unfriendly

According to a google survey, Mobile-First Indexing will be used by default. As a result, it is safe to assume that non-mobile-friendly site content will have a difficult time ranking higher in search engines. You may also use Google’s mobile-friendly test to see if your site is at least mobile-friendly. With more people using their phones to access the internet every day, Google is increasingly likely to favour websites that load quickly and are mobile friendly over those that aren’t. As a result, it is critical that websites be optimized and made mobile friendly.

  • Writing Very Ordinary Content

It goes without saying that consumers who conduct online searches are looking for relevant, high-quality content that answers their questions. Nonetheless, we come across websites that publish information that is inadequately written for the readers. Irrelevant information written in a regular manner is of little use to your search engine. As a result, it is critical that you ensure that your websites consistently offer consistent information for site users.

  • Publishing plagiarized or non-original content

Duplicate content has been regularly used for quite some time. However, it is now highly penalized in the form of a reduction in your site’s SEO rankings. Having copied or plagiarized content on any website is now considered spam. And Google now takes this into account when deciding your content’s search engine ranking.
As a result, constantly strive to generate unique material by including your own thoughts and describing them in your own terms. If you accept guest content, make sure to check it for originality using an online plagiarism detector. Otherwise, you may be penalized by Google without your knowledge.


Keywords play an essential role in targeting the potential audience so, it’s important to target the right keyword according to the content to get the relevant traffic. Give proper attention to long-tail keyword, also improve the Meta descriptions and optimize title for the best organic reach. Because every small factors matters when it comes to improving website performance, consult Best SEO Agency in Dubai experts for further details.

Source: SEO Mistakes That Affects Your Digital Marketing Badly