Money borrowing is something that most people rarely give a second thought about, but when the time comes to do it, it can be a difficult and confusing process. And for many people, the best way to avoid having to borrow is by saving up enough money before you need it. But that doesn’t help every time, especially when your needs are greater than what you have saved. So here are some of the best ways to get money when you need it in an emergency or a big financial purchase, like a car title loan, payday loan, home loan, secured loan, etc. 1. Short-Term Loans

There are many types of short-term loans available. And this is a very popular choice for many people because it’s quick and easy to get approved (for the majority of people). And if you don’t have to use this, then it can be avoided. But many times you will find yourself at the end of a financial road with no clear path to go. And sometimes that is when you need some form of short-term loan, which comes as a lump sum and is to be paid back at the following time. And that is how short-term loans work, especially for those who need to pay off other debts.

2. Traditional Banks

Traditional loans are generally unavailable to the majority of people because they’re not willing to offer a short-term loan, have plenty of formalities and credit score obligations to fulfil. But for those who are eligible for them, the traditional banks are available and they offer the loan at the lowest of interest rates. The process is pretty easy, just fill out an application and wait for approval. Then decide how much money you want to borrow and when it needs to be paid back. Most loans from the banks are secured, on top of the credit score requirements, which are uncommon for loans like an auto title loan. So, in addition, to complete documentation, one also needs to have appropriate collateral to support their loan.

3. Friends And Family

If you have some friends or family who are in a position to help you out, this is an excellent way to get the money that you need. The downside for this method of borrowing is that it can sometimes be awkward and uncomfortable asking them for a loan and getting rejected. However, if their relationship with you is good enough it shouldn’t be a problem getting the money from them.

4. Credit Unions

Another good place to borrow money is at your local credit union. Many credit unions will allow you to borrow a small amount of money, sometimes as little as $500 or less if it’s for an emergency. The only drawback is that most of the credit unions that will give you a loan like this require you to be a member first. These unions offer loans at fewer formalities and low-interest rates to their members. Also, there is usually a grace period of five to seven days on these loans, so even when you get a little late for paying back the loan, you are covered. But if your need is more than $500, you will have to resort to some other source of loan.

5. Auto Title Loans

One more option to consider is an auto title loan. These can come in handy when you need money quickly to pay for something like a new stereo if you are planning on moving into a new home or literally any other purpose at all. This is a loan that is issued against the title of your car. It is an instalment loan that can be paid back in 4 years at the very least. To get approved for this loan, a borrower only has to have a fully paid car and does not even require a stable job history or credit score. These loans are issued by private lending institutions like Snap Car Cash. These institutions give the loan on friendly terms and conditions and involve way fewer formalities than any other source of loan. Additionally, the cash can be obtained within 24 hours of application and so, the loan process is quick and easy. It is to say that this is any borrower’s safety net in an emergency or other situation.

6. Personal Loans

Another option is to consider taking a personal loan. Your personal banker will be able to give you loans that range from $1,000 and upwards of $25,000, depending on your needs. These loans are usually offered with longer repayment periods and with more flexible conditions compared to credit unions and banks. They can also be used for almost any purpose such as home improvements, an emergency expense or when you need a new car. Also, the rates are very competitive which makes personal loans, like auto title loans, a great option.

7. Credit Cards

Credit cards are another option for getting money rapidly if you need them. From a basic credit card to a gold card, you can get the money you need using your credit card. Credit cards are a good way of building your credit and hence making it easier to obtain further loans. The only caveat is that credit card loans are usually expensive and should only be used in an emergency when you don’t have a better option.

8. Payday Loan

For people who are looking for a short-term solution, payday loans can be an excellent solution to their money borrowing needs. They are designed for those who have unexpected expenses, but not enough money in their account to cover the costs. These are short-term loans, like auto title loans, which are often provided by non-banking financial institutions and sometimes from employers. Such loans are typically small in amount and interest rates are higher than other personal loans. This is because they charge their interest from the next paycheck of a borrower who applies for such a loan. They can be availed by all those people who have regular jobs and receive their income on a fixed basis. It is to cover any contingency expenses that arise during the time between receiving paychecks. So, it is paid off with the arrival of the paycheck.

9. Home Loan

If you have a good credit score, you can take out a home loan. A home loan is probably the best and safest way to borrow money from a bank because it is a conveniently secured loan. Since it is backed with the value of their home, a borrower can loan large sums of money through these and such loans are generally long term loans stretching up to 10-20 years. But remember, if you’re going to take out a home loan, its repayment can get tricky because a large sum is involved. Also, the ownership of the house is at stake. Additionally, there is a restriction on where the funds from such loam can be used. So it is only beneficial when bigger expenses have to be made and not when an emergency fund is required.


The aforementioned are some of the best sources of borrowing when anyone is faced with a difficult situation. An auto title loan is the easiest to get and so, it is very popular. You can get such a loan from lenders like Snap Car Cash. Alternatively, home loans, credit cards and other traditional loans are the best for people with a stable credit score.