Your skin is the largest living and breathing organ in your body. Your skin absorbs up to 60% of the products you use, and this then circulates throughout your body. You would be astonished at the toxins in non-organic products for skin care. It’s not surprising that organic skin care products are becoming more popular.

It’s time to stop using non-organic products that don’t use organic preservative. Continue reading to discover the 7 best organic skin care products for you.

Benefits Of Using Organic Skincare Products:

  • Take a non-organic product for your skin and look at the ingredients label. What number of ingredients are you able to recognize? Most likely, your body won’t recognize any of these ingredients.
  • Non-organic products can contain synthetic chemicals, such as laureth sulphate and mineral oils. They can also contain petroleum, parabens and mineral oil. This can lead to skin irritation, hormone imbalance, cancer, organ toxicity and even cancer.
organic citric acid
organic citric acid

Organic skin care products made from natural ingredients

  • Read the ingredients label on any organic skin care products. Most, if not all, of the products you see there will be familiar to you.
  • Certified organic products such as organic coconut oil are derived from plants and other naturally occurring ingredients. These organic ingredients are grown naturally without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or any other additives. This means that your skin and body will only absorb natural, safe ingredients.

Organic products are not allergenic

Organic skin care products do not contain harsh chemicals and are less likely than synthetic ones to cause allergies, inflammations, or irritations. Organic products are less likely to cause allergic reactions than those made with harsh chemicals.

Organic skin care products are better

  • Organically grown plants have higher levels of vital antioxidant vitamins than those grown in non-organic settings. Organic plants are grown without pesticides or herbicides. This means that they have no contaminants in their organic ingredients, which is good news for your skin.
  • Moreover, up to 95% of an organic skin care product’s contents are active ingredients. Active ingredients make up only 5-10% of synthetic skin care products.

Organic is better for your skin

  • Non-organic products contain synthetic ingredients that can be quickly absorbed, but they can also cause invasive problems and damage that cannot be easily seen. Although they may offer instant results and visible results, most of the chemical ingredients in non-organic products will only improve your aesthetics by smoothening wrinkles and removing sunspots.
  • These chemicals can cause skin damage and weakness from prolonged exposure. Your body’s attempt to deal with foreign substances may lead to your skin becoming weaker. This reduces oxygen exchange, which can lead to premature aging and increased risk of sunspots.
  • Using natural, organic skin care products, though, ensure that you get the real nutritional benefits from its ingredients. For example, coconut oil, honey and aloevera are natural organic ingredients that can soothe, nourish, moisturize, and promote smooth skin. Organic skin care products can be gentler on the skin than conventional products and won’t cause any harm to your skin over time.

You support cruelty-free skincare products

  • Beauty industry has been criticized for using animal testing to verify that their products are safe for humans. Because they contain natural ingredients, organic products are safe and harmless.
  • When you buy organic skincare products, you are buying cruelty-free skincare products and also supporting the move towards abolishing animal testing in the industry.
  • Organic products are made from natural ingredients and don’t use toxic pesticides or fertilizers. They leave no harmful footprint on the earth, especially the soil, water and air.
  • Organic farming is better for wildlife because it produces less pollution from pesticides and fertilizer sprays and produces less carbon dioxide. Organic skincare products can help reduce your environmental impact and promote sustainability.