There we’ve got an again and an again so those are kind of the mean drive types that you’re gonna come across okay now as far as the head style and what I’m talking about there is for instance on this screw this is a flat head obviously it’s really flat on the top and it’s got a little bit of a taper on the bottom okay so these will drive in they’ll drive in nice and flush to whatever you’re doing or Metal Corner Bracketsyou can even drive them countersunk into your would that head and this head are very similar they’re both flat but this one’s more of a bugle shape that you’ll find on a drywall screw so it’s not it’s got a little less taper in here it’s a little more gradual and it draws in nice and flat on drywall just below the surface but without ripping the tape on drywall so it’s specifically designed for that okay so we’ve got that again we talked a little bit about this already this head here. Large metal corner brackets. Metal corner brackets for wood. Heavy duty metal corner brackets. Long metal corner brackets. Metal corner brackets screwfix. Decorative metal corner brackets. Corner brace brackets. L brackets.

Outdoor screws screwfix. Railway Sleeper Brackets. Screwfix railway sleeper brackets. Railway sleeper brackets b&q. So you’ve got your it’s it’s actually got a little bit of a dome or a pan head on the top but it’s got this large surface on the backside kind of like a built in washer to help draw your whatever you’re screwing down to the other piece draw it down tight with a pulling through the wood too easily again this one’s the same we talked about this one earlier this one this hex drive nuts got an extra little piece here which is actually a washer a little piece of metal with a rubber washer and that’s so what makes a seal when it’s used on metal siding or roofing here’s a round head or pan head screw so you can see it’s got a little bit of a dome shape but a nice flat surface on the back so when it’s screwed into the wood this part here is protruding above the surface of whatever you’re screwing into but yeah it’s got a good flat back to hold down tight Outdoor Screws this this one again is a bit of a is around head too it’s a little more predominant from that one but basically the same function really flat on the back.

Railway Sleeper

So those are the basic head types that you’re gonna find here’s actually another this is a little bit similar to the drywall screw with the Butte a little more of a bugle shape on the back but this one here has can still be so the difference between this and this is this one can still be driven in pretty much flush or just below the surface of the material you’re screwing into for instance on deck stair treads where you want some screws may be to hold the wood down to a metal stringer this drives in nice and flush to the top doesn’t stick up and isn’t hurt on the feet where this one doesn’t it’s got that a little bit of a bulge that would stick up there okay so that’s those ones then.