The hectic lifestyle and work schedule of individuals can be the root cause of growing stress and anxiety these days. Stress or anxiety is the reflex action of your body when numerous competing demands are placed on it. It is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease due to specific trigger points, which can be physical, mental, or emotional. The feeling of stress can be triggered by manu events that can make you feel nervous or frustrated, leading to various symptoms. 

Once in a while, stress and anxiety can help you overcome a challenge or even boost you to push your limits. The stressful situation in day-to-day life can include feeling nervous about your upcoming interview, getting embarrassed in a certain social situation, etc. Getting stressed in these situations can prove to be motivating to do things that need to be done in a fixed time span(for example, studying for an exam). 

However, when stress and anxiety start to occur more frequently and interfere with your daily routine, it is a sign that you need help. Considering the growing number of issues associated with stress and anxiety, many reputed brands have launched vitamins for stress and anxiety to make you feel calm in stressful times. 

What are the common symptoms of stress and anxiety?

Frequent stress and anxiety can result in both physical and psychological symptoms that can give rise to greater issues. Here are some lesser-known physical symptoms of stress and anxiousness:

  • Experiencing tensed or stiff muscles, especially around the shoulders and neck 
  • Frequent stomach cramps or aches
  • Headache and finding it difficult to focus
  • Rapid breathing or inability to breathe properly
  • Shivering or body shaking
  • Increased rate of heartbeat
  • Frequent sweating even in the cold weather conditions 
  • Dizziness 
  • Frequent urination or feeling of peeing
  • Frequent increase or decrease in the appetite 
  • Sleeping more than usual or finding it difficult to fall asleep
  • Fatigue or laziness all day long
  • Diarrhea

Check out the mental or emotional symptoms in addition to physical ones caused due to stress and anxiety:

  • Nervousness or panic attacks in especially in social settings
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate
  • Getting angry without any reason
  • Feeling of restlessness
  • Feelings of impending doom
  • Sense of a sinking heart

People who suffer from stress and anxiety frequently may experience adverse health issues that keep getting worse with time. These issues primarily include heart disease, fluctuating blood pressure, diabetes and may even develop panic disorder.

What are the common causes of stress and anxiety?

For some people, stress and anxiety are once in a while type things that come and go without hampering your daily activities or peace of mind. The triggers of stress and anxiety can occur after particular life events and are likely to go away. If the nervousness or anxiousness after a certain event stays, it is a sign that you need help. Individuals also choose to take vitamins for anxiety and stress that nourish the exhausted body and make your mind calm. Here are some common stressors that can make you anxious:

  • Moving to different city/school/college/workplace
  • Change of environment or surrounding
  • Going through prolonged illness or injury
  • Some of your friends, family, or other loved ones getting ill or injured
  • The demise of a family member or friend
  • Getting married or changing of environment 
  • Having a baby or welcoming a new member in your house

If you have read through, you must have understood how important it is to provide adequate nourishment. Invest in the best vitamins for anxiety from a reputable brand to buy top-notch quality products!