Given that you have undergone the main step in the top hair transplant in delhi journey which is the surgery, the process continues to be not complete. So that you can reap the maximum benefit from the surgery, you have to take comprehensive care of the operated area of your scalp.


Many times it is observed that patients neglect the post-surgery process and care which results in suboptimal results in new hair regrowth. So you must treat post-surgery care as important as the surgery itself.


In this blog, we are covering the complete post-operative care that would be broken down into days so that it is easy to understand and follow diligently. If you need any other information regarding hair transplants like hair transplant cost in jaipur visit the website of ALCS Clinic.


Home Care Guide After Hair Transplant Surgery


The first thing to keep in mind is merely like any other surgery the part where the surgical procedure has occurred is in a vulnerable state and the initial thing it needs is rest. So after the best hair transplant in navi mumbai, the individual should head home and take a rest. You should avoid any sort of physical activity.


Also as the surgery could lead to temporary swelling close to the head, forehead area. To minimize or avoid the swelling it is advised that the individual should sleep with head tilted at a 45-degree angle for at least 2-3 nights.


Below mentioned is the day-wise care that should be religiously followed for faster recovery and optimal growth of the brand new hair.


Day 1 to Day 3

Hydration of the operated area may be the key for the first 3 days. Hence it is vital to spray the operated area every 60 minutes in the day with the solution supplied by the doctor. In case the perfect solution is to get over, you need to use tap water and spray it. Aside from hydration, the spraying ensures there is no scab formation in the operated or the donor area


Day 4 to Day 14

From Day 4 the regime of applying approved shampoo starts. The shampoo solution of approximate 10 MLS ought to be taken and blended with tepid water and stir to create a soapy solution. This solution should be put on the scalp and should subsequently be rinsed before the area is clean and without any soapy solution. You can utilize a towel to dry it but it ought to be done only by lightly patting it on the scalp. Rigorous scrubbing is strictly prohibited.


Additionally, it is advised that the patient shouldn’t take a shower as the force of water make a difference in the operated area adversely. The spraying process for hydration should be continued in this era and the spray bottle could be stored in the fridge. The individual who has stitches in the donor area should visit the clinic between the 7th to 10th day of the surgery to eliminate them. Patients who had undergone FUE should go to the doctor as per the dates directed at them post the operation.


Day 14 And Later

After 14 days the patient can use hair growth lotions & serums that will assist them in growing their hair faster. It ought to be used at night before going to sleep on the operated region. This technique should continue for at least six months for good results.


After thirty days the operated area must have healed substantially and hence you can resume the habitual process like using shampoo. At this stage, the hair could be washed with a shower which in turn would help remove any crusts in the operated area. Other regular procedures like applying hair gel, hair spray and even hair colour could be applied.



What To Expect After Hair Transplantation

If you are taking a vacation post-surgery, it is advised to do it after 14 days and even then the patient shouldn’t get sunburn as that might destroy the skin layer of the operated area.


If the patient’s lifestyle involves gymming and heavy lifting, then it should start by doing a light workout and lifting lightweight initially. Slowly the intensity and weight should be increased until it matches the previous lifestyle. Although the hair transplant procedure is safe, there are a few side effects that you have to be aware of.


When MAY I Expect Results?

Now that it’s been 2 weeks post-operation you may expect full-grown hair on your scalp immediately. But that’s false. Hair regrowth does take time and the patient must exercise patience. Initially, you will have very short and thin hair regrowth which can even fall off initially. But that’s not at all something to worry about since it is a correctly natural process.


The hair will grow again slowly and to see a decent result it will take at least 6 months. A full-fledged growth can take up to 9-12 months that is a standard.


So if you take care and diligently follow the post hair transplant protocols, it is just a matter of time before you get the hair and the hairstyle you had always dreamt of thus improving your self-confidence.