What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is a form of cancer that is unique to women. It is known to be the second most common cancer in women, after breast cancer. This cancer seems to target women aged 40 and over. It is usually assumed to be caused by a type of virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be transmitted through coitus or sexual intercourse. It can remain inconspicuous for many years, sometimes up to four years, before showing its presence as cancerous in the cervix and other parts of the body around the cervix at an advanced stage. Because this virus is spread through sexual contact, the chances of getting cervical cancer are higher with more sex partners. The best form of protection against this HPV is provided by the antibodies produced by the body, but anything that attacks the body’s immune system will weaken its ability to protect against the development of cervical cancer. So it makes sense to keep your body healthy to prevent the development of this disease.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Some of the most common symptoms of cervical cancer are constant pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, increased frequency of urination, and pain during intercourse. But these symptoms do not confirm the presence of cervical cancer as they can involve other health conditions; these symptoms only alert a woman to the possibility of cervical cancer, which should prompt her to undergo certain tests to obtain medical confirmation of the presence or absence of cervical cancer of the uterus.

Cervical Cancer Detection

Screening for cervical cancer is a common and easy practice for a woman, that is, a screening test or commonly known as a “smear” or Pap test. Having a regular pap smear done by your doctor is the best way to find cancer early and prevent it from getting worse. It only involves gently removing certain cells from the cervix and examining them under a microscope for the presence or absence of cancer cells. Pap test results are generally rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a value of 1 indicating that the cells are normal while a value of 5 indicating that cancer is of serious concern. There may be other new and developing ways to detect cervical cancer, but the Pap test is still the best form of early detection.

Although there may be cases of imprecision and other persistent symptoms suggest cervical cancer, another series of tests should be performed by the doctor for a more accurate prognosis. Treatment of cervical cancer Treatments for cervical cancer have been found to be more effective when the disease is detected at an early stage rather than later. Treatments for cervical cancer may include one or more of the following: surgery in which the uterus, one or both fallopian tubes, and ovaries can be removed, therapy such as chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy. If the disease is detected at an early stage, the chances of recovery are higher.

This is the reason why regular Pap tests should be done, as in an annual routine, to detect even the precancerous stage of the cancer, which makes the treatment more effective and life more enjoyed.

Can we Prevent Cervical Cancer?

The prevention measures cancer of the cervix are related to its infectious nature and the existence of precancerous lesions easier to detect. In addition, stopping smoking may help prevent this cancer in women infected with HPV.

Reduce your Risk of Cervical Cancer

There is a lot you can do to lower your risk of cancer – starting with a healthy, active lifestyle.

There is a lot you can do to lower your risk of cancer – starting with a healthy, active lifestyle. Making healthy choices can be quick, easy and affordable. No matter how old you are, there are little things you can do that are very important to staying healthy. It is with great pleasure that we share with you some simple ways to reduce your risk of cancer.

Live smoke free

The most important thing you can do to reduce your personal risk of cancer is to live smoke-free.

Protect yourself from the sun

Enjoy the sun in complete safety. Protect your skin, protect your eyes.

Maintain a healthy weight

Besides being smoke-free, maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways for you to lower your risk of cancer.

Eat well

Healthy eating plays an important role in reducing your risk of cancer.

Move more and spend less time sitting

Lack of physical activity and spending too much time sitting increase your risk of cancer. Aim for 30 minutes of activity each day and take short breaks from sitting often.

Limit your alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol, regardless of the type or amount, increases your risk for cancer. The less alcohol you drink, the more you reduce your risk.

Follow these Recommendations to Reduce your Risk of Cancer

Check your family history

If any of your close relatives has ever been diagnosed with cancer, tell your doctor.

Learn About Hormones

Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can increase your risk of cancer. See what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Get vaccinated

Some viruses cause cancer. Ask your doctor if you should be vaccinated against hepatitis B or HPV.

Work safely

Certain substances present in the workplace are the cause of a small percentage of cancers. Know your risk and protect yourself.

Get to know your surroundings

Find out how to reduce your exposure to cancer-causing substances (carcinogens).

Myths and controversies

Beware of information from unsupervised sources.

NGO in Delhi Helping Poor to Fight Cancer

Every year, hundreds of cancer-affected children travel to Delhi for treatment. With no place to stay, they usually end up staying on the streets.

Cancer Care Trust is one of the best cancer care NGO in Delhi. provides financial support to poor children fighting cancer across Delhi, India.

Help cancer careing organation Cancer Care Trust and donate to provide nutritious food for children suffering from cancer. Your donation can save cancer patients by providing them proper food, a good environment, a healthy lifestyle, and mental well being.