Reiki, a natural approach to wellness

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a gentle, holistic, and practical healing technique useful for stress management, deep relaxation, and personal growth. It was founded by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1914 and is now practiced and taught in every country in the world, including major hospitals and cancer centers. Reiki is based on the following principles: 1) Everything that is alive is made up of energy.

It is a scientifically proven fact that down to our smallest cellular level we are vibrant beings, and 2) We all have the ability deep within ourselves to heal ourselves. To do this, our body and our energy centers (Chakras) must be in balance: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. During a Reiki session, the client will draw from the Reiki practitioner the energy he needs to balance himself so that he has a place to heal. Reiki cures at the SOURCE of the problem, whether it’s a medical issue or an underlying emotional issue brought on by stress. Body Massage in Jumeirah

Anyone can learn and practice Reiki

Anyone can learn and practice Reiki for themselves and for others. It is learned by levels, each one capable of fending for itself. Reiki is transmitted directly from a Reiki teacher/teacher to the student. Reiki Level 1 focuses primarily on physical healing and begins with self-healing, which includes how to easily incorporate Reiki into daily life.

We also learn the basics to start using Reiki on others. Reiki level 2 will increase your confidence and strengthen your Reiki and heal on a mental/emotional level. You can also send Reiki to other people who need it. The Master / Reiki Practitioner and Master / Master levels become a path of personal and spiritual growth and development based on the principles of Reiki healing:





I honor everything that lives


Reiki is not affiliated with any religion, despite the fact that it can be quite spiritual. You do not have to be religious to give or receive the benefits of Reiki. Reiki is practiced dressed, comfortably lying under a blanket on a massage table. A session consists of gentle practical positions, and the Reiki practitioner can also work to balance his energy field, radiating from his body.

people fall asleep or relax deeply

Most people fall asleep or relax deeply. Many people also experience heat or tingling. Reiki can also gently bring memories or emotions to the surface to be processed or released. Reiki does not judge and accept unconditionally. A Reiki session usually lasts around 70 minutes but is very individualized. The healing energy of Reiki will continue to work through you for 2-3 days and is very cleansing and detoxifying for your system.


The effects of Reiki are always positive. He works to heal your greatest good and your greatest joy. All other healing modalities, including conventional medicine, work well with it. It can be used safely in infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill patients, and even animals. Spa in Internet City

In addition to stress management and relaxation, Reiki can also be beneficial in relieving pain, strengthening your immune system, and decreasing sleep disturbances, sinus conditions, muscle spasms, addictions, and depression. It can also be a way to facilitate clarity, direction, and personal growth.