In the blink of an eye that’s how long it takes the brain to decide whether we like someone or not.

The famous first impression for which, as is well known, there is no second chance. It doesn’t just apply to the interpersonal level. It is just as crucial for products.

Let’s stroll through the shops, shine on products from all directions, and try to cast a spell on us like peacocks with their wheel beats, in the hope that we will notice them in this tenth of a second and feel drawn to them.

Products? Not quite. It is their packaging that vies for our favor. The packaging has to meet far more requirements than “just” protecting the product.

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Packaging technology

Glass from USA. Paper from CANADA. Baskets from all over the world. The need to pack goods goes back far more than to the ancient peoples mentioned. The will to skillfully store essential food or transport goods safely from A to B is probably as old as humans themselves.

Cultural development and packaging technology always marched hand in hand towards the future Villages and cities emerged. And so the need for goods and clever solutions to make them durable and transportable increased automatically.

Conventional function packaging

In addition to its conventional function, packaging has established itself as an indispensable marketing tool. Most consumer goods could not be transported, stored, or distinguished without a suitable cover. Therefore, it is not surprising that the famous four P’s in the classic marketing mix Product, Promotion, Price, and Place have been supplemented by a fifth P for “Packaging.”

The egg-laying woolly milk sow

If the packaging were looking for a job, it would probably feel sick just looking at the requirements catalog.Often, people think about the packaging too late. Companies invest a lot of energy and resources in product development. However, you would do well to pay enough attention to the packaging as well.

Function of packaging

Probably the most traditional function of packaging: protection. After all, we all want to enjoy an intact product. But, in addition to protecting the product, it also saves people and the environment. Children, for example, need to be protected from sensitive content with parental controls. Not that Little Lukas accidentally takes a swig of the cleaner.

You have to ask yourself early enough which material optimally protects the contents, people, and the environment and whether additional protective measures such as child safety devices are necessary.

Packaging uniform sales quantities

How heavy? How much? How large? With the packaging, the product can be offered in uniform sales quantities. By choosing the size, a brand positions itself in a particular segment. While luxury brands tend to focus on smaller volumes, a brand with more extensive packaging (for example, family packaging) can join a lower price segment.

Brand maintenance and sales promotion

  1. Reisinger, co-owner and managing director of the Brand Partner, says: “Good packaging is the best thing that can happen to a marketing dollar: a targeted investment in brand maintenance and sales promotion with little wastage.”

The packaging presents your product to the outside world. She is like a silent sales representative – as a small, free poster at the point of sale. Provided you take advantage of this opportunity.

On the shelf, the packaging must highlight the favorable properties of your product and at the same time stand out from the competition – encourage consumers to buy. Entire brand images are transported with the packaging.

However, it is essential that the packaging or the packaging design is always authentic and honest. It must reflect the properties of the product:

High-end products should therefore rely on high-quality packaging. Because, as we all know, a man is defined by his clothing. Improper packaging is like a person with a fake laugh: we see through it quickly and remember it negatively.

Voluntary information

In addition to the mandatory declarations such as information about the manufacturer, the quantity, the price, or the indication of ingredients and additives, voluntary information also belongs on the packaging. Examples of this are instructions for use, preparation tips, and other helpful information. But, of course, only that which can be kept should be promised here as well.

The milk runs down the bag instead of ending up in the glass; the ketchup bag can only be opened with superpowers, the packaging is more reminiscent of a USA puzzle game.

Even before the purchased product is used, the packaging can bring you close to a nervous breakdown. If a product or its packaging is difficult to handle, it is easy for the consumer

To switch to the competition without even having given the product a chance.

Good packaging must therefore be easy to open, dose and close. In addition, products have to stay fresh for a long time and make life as easy as possible for the consumer.

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