Our health speaks to us directly through varied signs to express its conditions. Bad health has its symptoms. Similarly, good health has its own sign language. It is good to know what it means to be healthy because it erases all your worries about your well being. With the help of some signs, you can detect the presence of good health.

It is important to recognise signs

Like you have some alarming conditions when you get ill, some indications show that you are living a healthy life and your lifestyle is going in the right direction. Here read about some indications that work as the mirror of wealthy health.

No mood swings

People with frequent mood swings may sound annoying, but they may be going through a medical condition. Healthy people are usually happy and take life lightly. Getting angry about every small thing can be the result of poor health conditions. For example – someone gets angry just because the weather is bad. Someone can get upset only because he is not able to get the right loan deal.

A happy person finds faster solutions and takes the right decisions. He may suggest to the sad person more liberal options that keep looking for doorstep loans like provident and then regret its high rate later.  Unfortunately, we normally do not realise it and relate it with the mess of the materialistic world. If you do not have the issues of mood swings, you can stay sure about good health. The 24×7 smile on your face is the first and the permanent address of a strong body.

Clean urine

We all know that urine is the first indication to tell us about many types of diseases in our bodies. From jaundice to cancer, many health issues can be detected by the changing colour of urine. It is significant to notice this aspect and be sure about your health prosperity.

If you have no issue of bleeding, yellow coloured urine or anything like that which does not look abnormal, then it is a reason to feel more positive about your physical existence. A regular check of your own body is the best way to ensure that everything is fine.

No fatigue

From tuberculosis to the present day virus chaos of covid-19, fatigue in the body can indicate the presence of many big diseases. However, luckily if you feel energetic and have no symptoms of considerable fatigue without any reason, enjoy the luck of living a good life.

A tired body can never be healthy. From the basic issues of lack of Vitamins to the possibility of severe health issues, fatigue can tell whether things inside your body are in a good state or not. If there is no tiredness, then no need to worry about anything. Keep your energy level high with proper food and diet, and stay rejuvenated with an ample intake of vitamins and calories.

Quick wound healing  

Fast healing is a sign of a good immune system, as it is the prime player that helps the wounds heal faster. People who eat healthy and fresh food and do not depend on fast food or their irresistible urge to eat outside very frequently normally have a strong immune system.

With stronger inside body parts, the wounds heal faster and also. They do not feel much pain on small wounds. A body that is incapable of healing needs proper attention with a regular healthy diet and other healthy activities such as exercise. While, on the other hand, a strong body should be able to remain unaffected from any such worry.

Stable and idol weight

Every age has an idol minimum and maximum limit of weight. The body of the people with that ideal weight can always be categorised as a healthy body. Frequent ups and downs in the body weight can occur due to any physical weakness.

You should go to your doctor to get it checked and be confirmed about your conditions. The frequently fluctuating body weight is never a sign of a healthy, wealthy body. It is the reason that many people check their weight regularly to keep an eye to know whether their body is in the right shape or not.

Good haemoglobin

Of course, haemoglobin is a big indicator of health conditions. Normally it is good to have a haemoglobin level between 12 .0 to 17.5 grams per deciliter. If you eat healthy food, lots of vegetables and salad, especially those that improve blood circulation and help make blood, your haemoglobin will naturally attain the ideal situation.

It can be a task to check your haemoglobin and take out the written conclusion from it. Sometimes people with good haemoglobin levels may have some health conditions. It is better to take the help of a doctor. However,  normally if you do not have any other issue, then the figures mentioned above of haemoglobin level show that you have good health, so congratulations.


In this modern time, countless people are suffering from not only physical but also mental health issues. It can be biased to talk only about physical indications. Here are some factors that do not relate to our body directly, but they surely have an impact on our mental and physical health.

  • The atmosphere in the family and home – There is no need to mention that the families where people keep fighting with each other can never stay fit mentally as well as physically. Also, their health is always a threat of catching unnecessary stress. The atmosphere in the family of the house is extremely important for the growth in the right direction. It is important to give flourishing surroundings for each other.
  • Financial conditions – The body of a person in a financial frustration shows high acceptance of mental health issues. As we know, countless people across the world are struggling with money crises, job loss, multiple obligations etc. people are unhappy. It is not a good situation for a hit mind and body. They keep thinking about their problems, and the stress is a big mess for life. It is advisable to manage your personal finances, keep less materialistic desires, and have ample savings. You will see a considerable and positive change in your health.

So….the end thought is

Of course, the end, though, is that the above signs can help you keep a good track of your health and follow the right type of eating and exercise routine. It is very important to maintain a balance between your mental and physical well-being. If you succeed in achieving that balance, you are sure to have a healthy, happy life full of joy. Good health is a luxury because it is much more precious than money. Isn’t it?