Here are 5 reasons why Soberlink thinks their alcohol monitoring device is the best tool on the market.
1. Change test schedule every week
It’s known that a professional monitor can change the testing schedule each week based upon the parenting schedule for testing during parenting time only.
2. Provide Consultation
A quality device can provide consultation about the best monitoring practice for each individual case. 

 It’s possible that through a court order, you need a Soberlink test 8 hours prior to parenting. You would have needed a scheduled test in the middle of the night. It’s  better, and much easier, to rule out alcohol consumption before parenting. Set two tests, one prior to bedtime the night before, and one upon arising.
3. Having an objective third party is very helpful
Having a professional monitor (aka an objective third party) is very helpful. This can help negotiate any conflicts along the way.
Typical conflicts that arise are:

  • Requests to change the testing schedule
  • Disputed positive results
  • Missed tests
  • Sudden changes in parenting that affect the testing schedule
  • Late test and complaints about device errors.

4. Have records of the monitoring events
The Soberlink smart breathalyzer will have records of the monitoring events. It will also be ready to provide factual testimony. This could be useful if there’s an impending trial, or the need for a trial arises down the road.
5. Eliminates any conflicts.
A professional device that has all the data can avoid any “he said-she said” conflicts. The device has all the data necessary, and there is no doubt anymore. Thanks to this data, it’s easier to continue the process without guessing who’s right and who’s wrong. This makes it so much easier for all parties involved.

 So there you have it, 5 reasons why we believe you should use a Soberlink device. Of course there are many other reasons why we believe Soberlink is the best possible alcohol monitoring device on the market.