It is very important to make sure that the base or the foundation of any construction is very strong and stable. Everything else that is built on the top depends on the strength and stability of the core or the base. So, if you think that with time, the base or the foundation of your house has weakened, then you can go for the process of restumping. This will make your house’s build as good as new and make the entire building on the top very stable. It is important for the safety of your house as well as everyone who lives inside it.

What is the process of restumping? How and why is it used?

A stump is a short but elongated piece of wood or concrete that often looks like a thin log that is used vertically under the foundation or the base of a house. These are usually made with wood and several in number. They give an even base to the house so that the floor of the house is not slanting. It also is important for providing stability and core strength to the house. The process of installing these stumps again is known as restumping. Usually this is done when the original foundation of the house is either damaged or not strong enough. Also if the floor of the house changes in structure or shape due to storms, waterlogging, or simply with time the reblocking is needed.

What are the major benefits of restumping your house’s foundation?

There are various reasons why a person might go for the process of stumping. Some of them can be understood as mentioned below:

  • Assess the state: You can forget about the underground condition of your home’s base. It is always better to get things checked for peace of mind. For people who live flood-prone area should go for restumping as then you will be able to assess the condition that is beneath your house. There houses are mostly built on the stumps. There can be termites in the wood simply due to time and moisture; the base could be in a bad condition.
  • Remove the rotting wood: Wood is prone to get worse with time. If you live in a moist area or near any water body or where it rains too much then you should always go for restumping from time to time. This is because you would not even know and the wood beneath your house may be deteriorating because of termites, other insects, waterlogging, or strong winds.
  • Make extra rooms: A good way to make extra room in your house is by adding an extra stump in the bottom. Restumping is a great way to make additional rooms and your family grows. This is the best way to increase rooms and spaces in your house. You ca n redesign the house as per their choice.
  • Correct the position: If you live in an area that is prone to thunderstorms, hurricanes, and strong winds then you should consider changing the stumps of your house. Sometimes with the force of the wind or due to earthquakes, the stumps of your house can move. This cannot just weaken the strength and core of your house but also make it look slanted from both outside and inside.

Ordinarily, from the above-mentioned information, you can understand the meaning and process of restumping and what are the advantages of getting it done. Now you can go ahead and get your house restumping. Do not forget to get a check in the foundation and restump it if needed!