Dedicating a few minutes to stretch your body before a workout prepares you for a safe and effective training session. According to BodyTransformation Coach Aditya Shrivastava a good stretching practice can improve flexibility, joints, muscle stiffness as well as reduce the risk of injury. But people have different opinions that are contradictory or what we can call- stretching myths.  

In this article, we are going to debunk stretching myths and clear up all the confusion. 

Stretching relieves muscle soreness 

That’s a big stretching myth. You should never stretch or work out in the case of acute muscle soreness. This can further enlarge the tiny tear in your muscle fibers. A very high-intensity workout or unfamiliar movement puts you at a high risk of muscle soreness. This is why you should be careful with stretching after a hard workout.   

Stretching will reduce your chances of injury 

 No doubt stretching before a workout can reduce the chances of injury. But there is no scientific evidence that stretched muscles are any less prone to injury. Research suggests that people who stretch are not any less likely to get injured compared to those who don’t. 

Stretching will boost your performance

Stretching before an intense workout may help loosen up your body. This may make it easier to perform certain exercises or hold specific positions. But this can work against you if you are a competitive athlete and stretch first before the big lift. Studies say some stretching may be worse for sprinters, high jumpers, or weight lifters. Because there are high chances that they may end up overworking their muscles and not perform at their best. 

You can not overstretch  

Another one of the common stretching myths is that no amount of stretch is too much. This is false. If you stretch a muscle too tight and hard, you are at the risk of straining or pulling it. Already begin with slow movement and focus on light stretch during an exhale. 

Stretching after a workout is not important

Stretching is necessary not only before a workout but also post-workout. Even if you are in a rush, it’s always a good idea to spend a few minutes stretching after an intense training session. Stretching post-workout helps reduce muscle soreness, increase blood circulation, and aid in recovery.    

Everyone can follow the same stretching exercise 

Many types of stretching exercises offer unique benefits. Static stretching may help you if you are looking to improve flexibility for gymnastics, dance, or even spin.  But if the exercise involves running or jumping, dynamic stretching may work the best. Your age and gender are also important factors to consider when it comes to choosing the best stretching exercise. Research suggests that men under 65 years may benefit from contract-relax stretching while for women its static stretching may work the best. 

Five minutes of warm-up should do 

Not really. There is no way that you can loosen up all the muscles in just five minutes. How long you stretch will also depend on what type of exercise you are going to perform. But a good warm-up should involve dynamic and active stretching and then light cardio. So don’t rush, take out enough time to warm up.

I can skip stretching because I am already flexible 

That is also one of the biggest stretching myths. Even if you are flexible, warming up is still important. It does not only improve flexibility but also increases blood flow to the muscle, which aids in performance as well as in recovery. 

About AnExtraRep

AnExtraRep is a body transformation and fitness agency headed by Aditya Shrivastava. Aditya has been into bodybuilding for the last 19 years and is known for his practical and solid knowledge. 

He is also a certified fitness trainer with I.S.S.A. 

Over the last 9 years, his company has been Transforming over 2000 people every year from body to mindset about fitness.

Aditya helps those who want to stay fit. Not only looking in great shape but also disease-free with a happier lifestyle.

Read More about AnExtraRep Body Transformation Program at AnExtraRep’s 12 Week Transformation Program