Trees are one of the most precious resources that nature has gifted the mankind. But there are times when removal of trees cannot be avoided. Tree removal is not as simple as it sounds. It requires proper planning and implementation of the plans by expert professionals.

The reasons for tree removal

The main reasons for tree removal are:

  • The tree is dead
  • The tree is infested with termites, fungi or other pathogens and has become unstable
  • The tree is overgrown and branches are leaning in such manner that it has become a risk for the structures and building in the surrounding places
  • The tree is causing obstruction for a new construction
  • The branches of the trees are broken and have become potential threat for people and other structures.

Things you should do

  1. You need to be in touch with the local council in order to know about the rules and regulations of tree removal. Permission is needed to remove trees. If you are hiring Tree Removal Northern Beaches then you do not have to bother about all these any more. These professionals are well aware about the local regulations and do the work as per the industry standards.
  2. The overhanging branches of trees should be removed with extra care as they can damage your house or neighbor’s property.
  3. After the tree is removed, the stump should also be removed. Stumps removal, if not handled by experts, can damage the underground service lines like water line, drainage etc.
  4. After tree removal is done, the place should be cleaned by arranging the tree debris. When you hire a reliable tree removal service, Sydney, you get comprehensive solution. These professionals not only remove the trees efficiently but they dispose of the debris and make your yard look sparkling clean.
  5. You have to ensure that the company you are hiring for tree removal is fully insured. They should have the insurance for public liability and personal damages. Tree removal is a complex job and is dangerous too. It is important that you hire professionals who have required qualification and training for it and have years of experience in handling such projects.

The steps of tree removal

Professional Tree removal lopping Northbridge follows these steps for flawless tree removal.

  • On site safety checks are done by the team and proper safety measures are planned for any other obstacles near the tree to be removed/
  • The tree climber scales the tree to set up the line
  • After setting the lines, chainsaw is used to cut the tree part by part
  • The ground team member removes the tree wastes from the site
  • Depending on the space availability, the trunk can be cut top down or felling of the entire tree is done
  • The branches and other parts of the tree are cut down into small pieces and are disposed of. The site is cleaned so that no tree waste is there

Only when you hire expert arborists for tree removal and cleaning, you are sure that the process will be seamless and safe.