
Should you also get started? As the environmental degradation caused by synthetic materials has reached critical levels, more and more of us are questioning the use of “traditional” packaging. Indeed, the latter often accumulate; they are not always recycled and take a long time to degrade naturally in the environment. Unlike eco-responsible packaging, conventional packaging has a proven negative impact on ecosystems and potentially on human health. Moreover, these environmental concerns increasingly affect consumers who demand ecological packaging. Today, more than half of consumers say that recyclability, durability, and biodegradability are essential factors in their purchasing decisions.


Eco badge eco-responsible packaging

Order your eco-responsible packaging from SM Custom Packaging and get your eco-badge to communicate your commitment! This new consumer awareness pushes brands to innovate and adopt new ecological packaging strategies without necessarily incurring additional costs. As a result, switching to eco-responsible packaging is no longer an option for brands; it is necessary.

Eco-Responsible Packaging

  • What inspire you in terms of  packaging in custom boxes macaron boxes
  • How eco-packaging can have a positive impact on the environment and your turnover at the same time
  • Which big companies are leading the green packaging movement
  • Ecological materials used in biodegradable packaging
  • Steps to adopt an ecological packaging solution
  • By embracing eco-packaging and becoming eco-responsible businesses, brands have a competitive advantage to gain, which naturally means more sales and the ability to leverage their influence to change consumer behavior consumers.

Why is it not so simple?

However, what about the pollution that could be generated by the trucks involved in the recycling cycle? What about the water and energy needed to process these materials as well?

It can be reused indefinitely if it doesn’t fall apart and can easily be recycled in most countries.

However, to make this glass, it is necessary to collect silica present in the sand. Sandwich faces a global shortage, and it must also be transported by truck to a factory.

The truck uses gasoline and emits carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Then, to heat, the furnace used to transform silica into glass, electricity, and other fuels are needed.

Every time someone reuses

And when a person recycles a glass bottle, energy is consumed in transporting, cleaning, and processing that bottle. However, no additional sand is used, and relatively less energy is required.

Ecological packaging and sustainable development. Eco-packaging is a full-fledged player in sustainable development.

The latter designates growth that meets the needs of the present, without depriving future generations of the raw materials or the quality of the environment they will need to meet their own needs.

Packaging is part of an eco-design approach by seeking to minimize its impact on the environment and prioritize its recovery (composting, recycling, etc.).

In short, a perfectly ecological packaging:

It is beneficial, safe, and healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle.

Meets current performance and cost criteria

It is extracted, manufactured, transported, and recycled by using renewable energy.

It is manufactured using clean production technology, according to best practices.

Is made from materials that remain healthy throughout their life cycle

It is physically designed to optimize the use of matter and energy

It can be efficiently recovered and used in closed biological and industrial cycles

If you are considering switching to an eco-responsible packaging option, it is essential to do your research, as packaging that looks eco-friendly at first glance might not be.


This is, for example, the case of Oxo-degradable plastic bags. An additive is added so that they break down into small particles. However, these do not degrade, are quickly scattered, and it’s impossible to collect.

To help you see more clearly, SM Custom Packaging has created a list of the different Ecological Characteristics that packaging can have, with their advantages and disadvantages.

Examples of ecological packaging

Reducing the environmental footprint and building brand loyalty among eco-responsible consumers is an essential initiative for companies.

Here are some examples of brands that have adopted an ecological packaging solution for all or part of their prod