Drinking water is not just a thing of the summer, when it is hot or when you exercise; this should be a daily habit in your lives, as it is necessary for good health and the functioning of our body.

Surely on many occasions, you have read or heard the importance of staying hydrated that you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. And this is an absolute truth since each cell of our body needs this vital liquid to function and be able to carry out all its functions.

Why do our bodies need water?
If you did not know, you might be impressed that our bodies are made up of 60% water.

Water performs many functions in our body, from expelling toxins, regulating our body temperature, transporting nutrients and minerals, lubricating the organs and even keeping our kidneys healthy.

Essential benefits of drinking water
When you feel the need to drink water, your body is probably already a little dehydrated, so, more than an obligation, you should make it a habit.

Experts recommend starting the day with a glass of water. It helps to activate our body and regulate different levels in our body; in the same way, they recommend continuing to drink water during the day, up to two litres, this if you want to enjoy all of them the benefits that this restorative practice includes, among which are:

1. Fight fatigue
Nothing better than starting your day energized and maintaining this good energy during the different activities, be it exercising, working or studying; water will become your best ally to stay active. It added to good sleeping and eating habits.

2. Reduces high blood pressure
By keeping your body hydrated, the blood composition will be approximately 92% water, which will help its circulation to be much better, thus regulating blood pressure.

3. Combat allergies and asthma
When our bodies are dehydrated, they release a greater amount of histamines, compounds responsible for regulating the immune system’s response and, when there is a large amount of these, you may find yourself with difficulty breathing and allergic reactions to external agents.

By drinking the recommended amount of water, you help these levels remain stable.

4. Reduces acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and premature ageing
Water helps to release toxins in our body that can cause acne breakouts, redness, skin allergies, irritations and other skin conditions. If you stay hydrated, your skin will be visibly healthier.

5. Lower cholesterol levels
Lower levels of water in the body will begin to produce more cholesterol to keep our organs functioning.

6. Helps eliminate digestive disorders
If you suffer from digestive problems such as gastritis, ulcers, gas and reflux, water can help you reduce the symptoms of these disorders since you can better eliminate toxins.

7. Eliminates unwanted bacteria from the bladder and kidneys
If you stay hydrated, you will have less chance of contracting urine infections since your body will be able to eliminate different bacteria and toxins through it, maintaining the proper functioning and health of the kidneys and bladder.

8. Your joints and cartilage will recover quickly
If you exercise regularly, a thermal water bottle is a fundamental element that cannot be missing in your workouts. By staying hydrated, the recovery of your muscles, joints, and cartilage will be much faster, preventing stiffness.

9. Helps control and lose weight
When dehydrated, the body sends signals to our brain, letting it know that it requires energy to continue functioning, being confused with hunger and what will make you eat calories that you don’t need, leading to weight gain.

For control and weight loss, frequent water consumption is vital, as it will help you feel satisfied between your meals.

10. Slows ageing
By staying hydrated, you can slow down the ageing time, since your cells, organs and systems will be able to function normally without working more than necessary, with which you will not only feel young, but you will also look and feel healthy.

Tips to help you stay hydrated
If you do not have the habit of drinking enough water during the day, this is something that you should change and, luckily, you will always be in time to start improving your lifestyle with simple steps such as staying hydrated.

Always carry a bottle of water.
You must have water with you wherever you go. Therefore, a water bottle will be your best friend; you can also use a reusable bottle to reduce costs.

If you are a fan of going for a run or hiking, a great way to improve your water intake is with a hydration pack.

Try alternatives
If you are not fans of the taste of water, you should not worry; you can use lemon slices or your favourite fruits to add a new flavour that is more pleasant for you.

It is also an option to have an infusion bottle where you can create your infusions and teas, taking advantage of the benefits that water and different herbs offer when drinking them.

If you are hungry, drink water.
The brain tends to confuse the signals of water and thirst since it is difficult to differentiate them; therefore, if you feel hungry shortly after eating, it signals that your body needs hydration immediately.

Drink water whenever you can
A great tip for staying hydrated is that you take advantage of any place to drink water, be it at work, at home, in the gym or when going out to eat. If you arrive at a restaurant and think about ordering something to eat, first make sure you drink water, this will make a base in your stomach and create a feeling of satiety, helping you not to eat more than necessary and thus controlling your weight.