None of us ever wants to get into a car accident ever. After all, why would anyone like to deal with injuries, pain, property damage and everything else that a simple car crash brings with it, right?

Well, let us be real. Not all accidents are avoidable, but most of them are!

How do you reduce the likelihood of being involved in a car accident and havoc and the damage it cause do to those involved in it?

All you’ve to do is avoid the common reasons why accidents happen? Below are some of the major causes of accidents that take many precious lives each year.

Just by being wary of these main causes of car crashes, you can save yours as well as others’ lives while out there on roads.

1-     Speeding

For sure, those drivers blasting past us look great and must have given you the desire to push on that accelerator a bit more, but we are begging you not to do that.

Generally, being in a hurry to reach somewhere or empty roads can easily lure you into exceeding the normal speed limit.

People often don’t realize that faster driving makes their reaction time slower. Hence, if a vehicle comes out right in front of you while you’re driving extra speedily, you won’t be able to quickly come up with a solution to avoid the accident.

Hence, speeding automatically invites chances of bad accidents and fatalities.  If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and consequently are injured you should strongly consider instructing car accident claim lawyers to assist you with your claim for compensation.

2-     Distractions During Driving

When you’re driving, nothing is more important than the road and the driving process itself. But many drivers tend to keep themselves busy with various distractions even when they are driving on a busy road.

Your mobile phone, music players, someone sitting on the passenger seat, and even your own thoughts could act as a fatal distraction causing you to ignore whatever there is on the road. Make sure to avoid these distractions at all costs and drive with a clear mind.

3-     Lack Of Focus on Road Signs

Road signs are out there for a driver’s convenience and safety. Despite that, many drivers tend to ignore these signs.

Doing so is another reason why so many accidents turn into ugly fights and criminal charges, every other day in cities.

4-     Drunk Driving

There have been a million campaigns, spreading awareness about the havocs of drunk driving. Despite that, many people drive after heavy drinking sessions, especially at night. Such drivers are simply putting so many lives out there at a risk of death, including their own life as well!

5-     Bad Weather

Mostly, when we speak of bad weather in terms of driving, it has to be about rain, storm, wind, cyclones, and thunders. It is rare for a sunny day to be the leading cause behind accidents on roads.

Driving during bad weather require extra care and caution on part of the driver. Rain often make the roads slippery while storms can cause blurring and blockage of the windscreen.

Unless impossible, drivers should try to park their cars at the side of the road or drive extra slowly when on roads during such a weather.

Otherwise, accidents and damage to vehicles is no surprise!

6-     Running Red Lights

Traffic signals are there for our safety and for the sake of our benefit. We can’t just ignore them and break every possible signal that we come across and then expect to be safe on the roads.

Ignoring red light signals is a leading cause of accidents and deaths on roads every year. By not following and obeying these signals, you are not just risking your own, but also others’ lives and can cause a huge calamity on the road.

7-     Night Driving

Unless the road you are driving on is well-lit and has lights throughout, driving at night could be harmful and hence, should be avoided as much as possible.

It has been observed that while day-driving is not free of the risk of accidents, it is during the nighttime and hours of dark that many of the road accidents take place.

8-     Defected Vehicles

Sometimes, a car gets into a crash because of break failure or engine issues. These design and maintenance issues often lead to serious accidents and can even claim lives.

To minimize the risk of these defects causing road accidents and crashes, it is better to keep your motor vehicle in its best condition and always invest in a car that is well-known for its quality and safety build.

9-     Quick Lane Changes

Of course you have to change your lane multiple times while you drive. However, you have to make sure that you are following all the protocols for safe lane changing that exist.

You cannot just abruptly go to another lane whenever you want. Rather, you have to see what kind of speed is required to keep up with the pace of the lane you are changing to, the vehicle behind you, and much more.

Also, using indicators and alerting those driving behind you is also needed for anyone changing their lanes and trying to move to a new one.

10-  Overtaking

Many car accidents happen when one driver overtakes another without following the proper rules of being on the road. In some cases, overtaking leads to multiple vehicles colliding with each other.

In some cases, a simple act of overtaking can lead to a severe crash, affecting many of those who are driving around the car that has overtaken.

In addition to the above causes road accidents might also be caused by:

  • Snow on the roads.
  • Potholes and damaged road.
  • Old tires.
  • Deadly curves.
  • Fog and smog.
  • Animals crossing.
  • Erased speed-limit signs.
  • Air pollution.
  • Wrong way driving.
  • Extra loud music.
  • Mental stress, etc.


Trying to avoid all the above mistakes is a sure way to ensure the safety of you and your passengers whilst driving. We wish you an enjoyable and most importantly a safe journey!