With the substantial increase in noise pollution over the past few years, the popularity of soundproof rooms and attachments has also increased, almost proportionally.

How Acoustic Windows Work

Most rooms have to sound that leaks in from the windows more than any other airway within the room. This makes the installation of soundproof panes or ‘acoustic windows’ extremely vital in the process of soundproofing any room. Although many tend to use regular double-paned glass for sound reduction, they do not function the same as acoustic windows do when it comes to sound attenuation. Besides reducing noise pollution, the installation of acoustic windows can also reduce the possibility of a break-in as it is stronger than regular single-paned windows. They are also stronger and hold up even in harsh weather conditions.

Acoustic windows have a layer of sound-absorbent material between two panes of glass that reduces the amount of sound that comes in or goes out at any point in time. The layer of insulation, as well as the air space that is found between the existing window and the soundproof window, ensures the stoppage of vibrations from penetrating the window. Installation of these windows is quite simple and requires a very small amount of time due to the lack of hassle.

Benefits of Acoustic Window Inserts

Now while many opt for acoustic windows that replace their existing windows completely to attain a soundproofed room, many choose the simpler solution to the problem of noise pollution. This method is none other than the installation of acoustic window inserts. They require no mounting bracket and just need to be slipped into place by inserting it into the window frames. The ease of the installation process seems too good to be true but can provide quite a noticeable amount of soundproofing to any room and can result in better sleep or a quieter room in the least.

These acoustic windows are not only easy to install but also substantially reduce the amount of sound that comes from the outside by about 50% and some even reduce noise penetration by around 70%.These acoustic window inserts are typically surrounded by a silicone compression tube that is acrylic glazed to ensure that the seal around the window is tight. It also makes sure that there is dead air space found between the acoustic window insert and the room’s existing window.

Sound Proofing Curtains

To further reduce the amount of sound that comes into the room or leave the room from the windows or any other opening in the room, soundproof curtains can be installed at one’s whim and fancy. Soundproof curtains are one of the cheapest installments that improve the soundproofing of a room that assists in attenuation and not solely in the reduction of echo. They come in a variety of thicknesses, materials and sizes and are often suggested to be purchased in a size bigger than the window so that the overlap ensures a snug fit that does not permit the leakage of sound.

Soundproofing curtains are much heavier than regular curtains as they are made from dense and sound-blocking fabrics that on average weigh about 10 to 15 pounds. Aside from attaching it to windows, soundproof curtains can also be attached to walls instead of installing soundproof wall inserts if the soundproofing that is required need not be extremely high. These curtains are supported on the top by grommets and also come with industrial hangers that are capable of carrying the weight of the fabric. The edges often come with Velcro attachments that can be used to attach the curtain to the wall on all sides and ensure a snug fit.

Health Benefits of Soundproof Doors

Aside from windows and air vents, another part of a room that allows the most amount of sound leakage is the room’s doors. This makes the soundproofing of doors also quite vital to reducing the amount of sound that enters the room. Noise that enters through the gaps below and around doors often disturb one’s sleep and increases their levels of stress due to constant distractions and lack of peace. Thus, the installation of soundproof doors can do quite an amount of good to one’s health. Reduced noise in one’s home or working environment can also increase their level of productivity and overall quality of life. This makes the installation of these thick soundproof doors more important for those that live in noisy neighbourhoods and bustling cities.

The core of a soundproof door differs from a regular door in that it is solid and made up of sound-absorbent materials. The sides of the door are also fitted with special seals that ensure no gap allows airflow. The bottom of the door is often fitted with a seal that automatically drops when the door is closed to ensure a snug seal.