A podiatrist is a medical professional specializing in the foot and ankle specialist Chattanooga tn. Podiatrists prevent, diagnose and treat foot problems such as sprains, fractures, bunions (misaligned big toe joints that become swollen and tender), heel pain/spurs (swelling and thickening on the bottom of the foot), warts, corns, calluses, neuromas (enlarged nerves, usually between the third and fourth toes), corns and other related cases.

To become a foot doctor

One must first complete a four-year degree at a university and then transfer to a podiatric school that offers a doctorate in podiatry. After the doctorate, one must complete a two- or three-year internship residency program.

 During this process

  The person will find out if he/she is fit for the podiatry profession. After completing the 2-3 year course, they have full medical and surgical authority to treat the foot and related problems, although there is some variation from state to state. Podiatrists treat a wide range of people, from children to adults to athletes and many others.

There are different categories into which podiatry is divided

  These categories are diabetic foot and wound care, pediatric foot care, biomechanics, and surgery. Many diabetics enter podiatry clinics because the downstream consequences of diabetes are peripheral neuropathy and foot ulcers. Podiatrists use modern, advanced wound care equipment to treat and support people with foot wounds that can subsequently cause infections. Ointments and dressings are also applied to the injured foot.

Pediatric patients who have difficulty walking on tiptoe may also see podiatrists

  Because of their specialization in the foot, ankle, and biomechanics – abnormal foot functions that can cause pain due to tendonitis, heel pain, and more – a podiatrist can help reduce these deformities in a patient’s foot. Finally, a podiatrist is authorized to perform surgery. Foot surgeries can range from a simple ingrown toenail to correction of bunions and hammertoes (the toe bends into a claw position) to amputation of infected parts of the foot. Unlike other specialists, podiatrists must be familiar with dermatology, surgery, pharmacology, radiology, and neurology, as these specialties are to some extent related to the foot and ankle specialist Chattanooga TN. They also treat bone fractures, skin and nail diseases, tumors, and ulcers. Podiatrists write their own prescriptions, read their patients’ X-rays, and perform operations themselves. They also prescribe therapies and perform diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound and laboratory tests. There are more than 17,800 practicing podiatrists in the United States, which you can find in the Podiatrist Directory.