The information provided in this article has been gathered with Virginia in mind, but is relevant to anyone, regardless of their location. 

Do you remember the time when your only obligation was to go to school and do your homework? 

If you were a bit lose, you probably had a drink or two, maybe even secretly smoked a joint with your peers. You considered all these prohibited activities to be cool and so adult-like. 

Chances are that you did not even contemplate the consequences of such risky behaviors. Accepting and normalizing them is what often leads to addiction among adolescent users. 

Substance Abuse: National vs State Level

Young adults are one of the most vulnerable groups, regardless of their location. They often cope with identity issues and peer pressure, which could result in frequent drug use. 

  • Ages 12-17

One out of every 25 Americans in this age group has been affected by drug addiction. More than half of them admit to an alcohol use disorder while 75 % have been combating an illicit substance condition. West Virginia is among the top three highest-ranking states in this category. 

  • Ages 18-25

Young adults run the biggest chance of developing a drug addiction among all youth populations. 

Nearly four million class members have entered the unfortunate classification of alcohol-related diseases. 

Binge drinking and the abuse of illicit opioids have been two of the most prominent issues, VA’s youth has been facing. 

The overdose death rate has also increased in this age group, both on national and local parameters. Northern Virginia is leading the country’s statistics, with an almost quadrupled number of drug OD fatalities. 

Risk Factors for Adolescent Drug Users

Though no two addictions are the same, two main addiction pre-cursors have been identified. 

  • The Environment

The debate on whether nature or nurture has the most impact on one’s development has been present in the field of addiction for quite a while. 

While genetics may be blamed for a large portion of adolescents’ predisposition to drug abuse, their environment plays an equally vital role. 

Growing up in a home where addiction is apparent & substances are easily accessible, drastically increases the chance of drug use among youth. 

Modeling parents’ destructive behaviors is one of the most common causes of adolescent drug addiction. 

One of the more under-looked aspects of one’s environmental influences is their location. Growing up in a high-violence neighborhood in WV will increase the likelihood of substance abuse among all residents. Adolescent users in more dangerous areas often fall prey to various gangs, which in turn pressure them to try and later, distribute illicit drugs. 

  • Biology

Substance abuse is deeply encoded in one’s genomes, which account for more than half of the addiction issues youth experiences. 

The biological cards a person gets dealt with could easily manipulate the odds of them falling victim to addiction. If other family members have had a history of substance use, then adolescents should be aware of it. It could help them understand their drug tendencies and eventually, encourage them to seek therapy.

Youth Treatment Alternatives 

The main difference between adult & adolescent treatment facilities in VA is that the latter is adapted to the physiological & psychological needs of the respective age group.

VA’s Inpatient Facilities

Often, parents find it impossible to communicate and offer adequate assistance to adolescent drug addicts. The most suitable option for those with an advanced substance abuse disorder is getting admitted to an inpatient treatment center. 

When removed from their high-risk environments, young patients recover faster. Problems arise when they are ready to commence from therapy, as they have to return to their triggering surroundings. To avoid relapse, a substantial support network needs to be present.

Outpatient Programs in Northern Virginia

Both public and private OPs are available in the state. Counseling is often the first step in the process, followed by a range of therapeutic measures. 

If the addiction is prominent, youth patients may be required to undergo a partial hospitalization program, despite the family’s preferences. 

Tip: If you prefer to explore the options in your local county first, then you can start with a Google search, e.g. “Which is the best Treatment Center?” If you are not keen on the results, you should consider an area expansion, e.g. “Top-Rated IOPs in Virginia”.


When working with vulnerable populations, it is of utmost importance that their needs are met, and their voice is heard. Youth addicts often feel misunderstood and neglected, which prevents them from seeking timely treatment. Let them speak, so you can save their life.