You’ve just been diagnosed with depression. You might be feeling shock, disbelief, sadness, and despair all at once. Maybe you’re feeling an urge to go on anti-depressants right away. Don’t jump to any conclusions yet, there are several things you might want to take into consideration before jumping head-first into medication.

Mental illness can be overcome through therapy and other treatment options like anti-depressants. It’s not too late for you! It’s never too late! There’s hope for everyone even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. Just remember that depression is not a sign of personal weakness or failure. There are many factors that might contribute to your depression including chemical imbalances in your brain, genetics, environmental stressors, and traumatic experiences.

Therapy is one of the most effective treatment options for depression out there! The best psychiatrist in Bhopal will be able to prescribe you anti-depressant medication if therapy alone doesn’t work. Don’t be intimidated by psychiatrist’s offices, psychiatrist are just doctors for mental health that have extra years of schooling in the science of the mind. Psychiatrists are not magicians; they can’t wave a magic wand and cure your depression instantly. Treatment options for mental health issues like depression are not all-or-nothing options; psychiatrist will likely prescribe anti-depressants to take along with therapy.

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So now you’re thinking… what exactly is anti-depressant medication? The answer is that no one knows for sure. No one can be absolutely certain how these medications work in the brain, but psychiatrist can still prescribe them because of countless clinical studies and research. The first anti-depressant was discovered by accident when scientists noticed improvement in a tuberculosis patient’s mood after they started taking a new medicine on the market. What does this mean for us? We do not know exactly how these medications work but we have discovered that they do provide relief to people with depression and other mental illnesses.

Every psychiatrist in Bhopal has their own opinion on appropriate anti-depressant medication, but psychiatrist usually sticks with what’s been clinically studied and proven effective (for the most part). Don’t go looking for a psychiatrist who will prescribe you every psychiatric drug under the sun!