Interactive post video plays an increasingly important role in the education, learning and development of both businesses and educational institutions. With 82% of employees saying that Interactive post videos get their attention better, and 92% of education professionals understand the important role Interactive post videos play in curricula and personal learning, there is no doubt that interactivity is the key to making an interesting journey forward .

Cinema8 Interactive post video tracks allow you to create video tracks based on your selections and invite viewers to a fun and engaging experience where they can “choose their own adventure”. How to create an interesting Interactive post video track? We’ve gathered our top experts to give you useful tips and tricks to help you create your next Interactive post video.


The first step is to understand that Interactive post video is different from regular video because it doesn’t appear linearly. Through the choice-based Interactive post video track, viewers play an active role in the movie and can navigate through the movie and create their own experience based on their preferences. The design is therefore the key to creating a successful Interactive post video.

Here are some tips for creating an Interactive post video:

Use the editor as a design tool – create several empty nodes and learn about the various connection and path options. This will help you understand the different goals and routes your viewers might take, and determine the desired storyboard for your project.

Keep it simple – to avoid confusion for viewers and optimize the transition between videos – try to limit the number of nodes associated with each video. We recommend connecting up to 5 nodes to each video.

Create content

Creating Interactive post video and creating content can make a huge impact on the experience and engagement of your audience. Here are some tips and tricks we’ve gathered to help you create Interactive post video content:

Keep the content short

Each node cannot be longer than 60 seconds. Otherwise, viewers may lose the attention of viewers and they will not be able to move around in the Interactive post movie.

The 30 Second Rule

To keep the fun going, make sure the first node of your Interactive post movie contains an interaction or hotspot within the first 30 seconds (!) Of the movie. This will help increase user engagement and keep viewers interested in the future.

Make important information visible

Always keep important content visible BEFORE the interaction button appears. If the button appears and is clickable, you may lose the viewer until the next movie.

What’s in the menu Create a video menu that viewers can use to navigate through your video. This way, they can always go back to the main menu, even if they get lost.

Continue with the same pattern

When the interaction buttons appear, it is recommended to make a slight movement in the background to keep the video alive. Add a few gestures or a small movement to keep it fun and interesting

But not too boldly to distract the viewer from making a choice .

Automatic redirection

Create nodes where viewers will be automatically redirected to ensure that they can view them.

Your time has passed

To increase engagement and accelerate progress, consider adding a timer that will show the viewer how much time is left.

Soft Transitions

To achieve a smooth transition between nodes and avoid jumps that interfere with the flow of your video, try changing the angle or image between videos. One way to do this is to design the scene transitions to match the node transitions.

Optimize download time

For smooth download, wait at least 10 seconds before the button appears on the video. This ensures that the player has enough time to download the next few videos, and this is especially true if the video points to other nodes.