So, you took up engineering dreaming to earn a handsome six-figure salary but you go weak in your knees when you learn the fact that only 20% of engineers graduating from India are employable.

By now you must be wondering how to fall into that pleasant 20% spot and how come employability rate for engineers is this low. Is it just in India or all over the world? Can this be tackled? Can I find my dream job? What should I do now?

All these questions must be rattling your brain right now. Well, don’t worry we’ll answer all your questions and also provide you the necessary steps you must follow to become employable and here are the top 10 trending technologies that could help bag that dream job of yours.

Ten Trending Technologies to learn

1. Data science:

One of the booming technologies in the IT market is Data science. You can build Data Pipelines using R and learn how to transform and load (ETL) a data pipeline from scratch using R and SQLite to gather tweets in real-time and store them for future analyses.

2. Artificial Intelligence:

Of course, Artificial intelligence has become the limelight. Artificial intelligence has a system of computers connected to take up a single task. These could include decision making or recognizing some speech, audio or visual patterns. AI replaces human intelligence with its more efficiency and accuracy in maintaining and gathering data.

3. Machine Learning:

It is one of the programming languages that find applications in real-time data analytics and pattern recognition. Top multinational firms are looking out for skilled candidates who could master in machine learning.

4. Robotics Process Automation:

For the smooth running of businesses and their data analysis, nothing could work as well as RPA. A tool that helps to automate the data accurately. Many business firms have already started to incorporate this to help automate their databases finely within the organization.

5. Blockchain:

With the development of databases, there are chances of an increase in security and malware threat issues within the organization. Hence blockchain comes into the picture here. The blockchain gives meaning. It blocks any unusual activity happening and helps in protecting your data.

6. Internet of Things:

With the invasion of the Internet of Things, the web will be the king. Already, IoT has made its inclusion through the data connectivity, and others. Likewise, IoT will rule on the internet. Anyhow, it is said to improvise the businesses by improving their efficiency.

7. Java Scripts:

One of the programming technologies, while developing UIs and services, it is often needed to program in ways like do that when this completes or wait for all these to complete before.

8. Python:

Python: It is said to be one of the best-adopted technologies in the new era. Making Codings as simple as possible, it’s helping more business firms change the way we see technologies.

9. Angular:

Along with the web developments happening so far, maintaining the speed and stability of the system is also important. Hence to keep steady stability of web developing tools, angular help. It helps developers in the long run.

10. Virtual Reality Machine:

Bringing to you the live experience, the biggest technologies among the 10 is AR. It’s going to be the greatest technological development ahead in the future. It lets you experience the real world simulations in real-time. It holds the biggest application in industries such as industries and healthcare sectors.

Learn these 10 Most Wanted Programming Languages and become an expertise.