Body Protective Compound 157 (known as PL 14736, PL 10, and PLD-116) is synthetic peptide based off of organically produced peptides discharged by the gut. Most research studies reporting in BPC-157’s benefits have been in animal models, however as per experts and the doctors along with their patients, BPC 157 appears to have extraordinary potential in humans.

Repairs The Brain

  • BPC-Peptide can help incite healing of the brain and nerves following a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • BPC- Peptide acts as a repairing agent for the brain after a hemorrhagic stroke and can minimize swelling.
  • BPC- Peptide can be a safety armor for the brain against hypoglycemic seizures (initiated by insulin overdose)

Provide Protection Against Drug-induced Damage

  • BPC Recovery Peptideprovide protection to the gut, the brain, and liver against damaged triggered from NSAIDs.
  • The Peptide can suppress aspirin-prolonged bleeding and thrombocytopenia and also restrict and salvage adjuvant arthritis.
  • The Peptide can safeguard the gut from ulceration from chemotherapy drugs.
  • Cuprizone-incited demyelination is a standard procedure to study multiple sclerosis in animal models. BPC-157can offset the demylenation of cuprizone.

BPC-Peptide Can Be A Remedy For Depression

BPC-peptide may help overcome depression and anxiety by its action on serotonin, like that of antidepressant drugs (like imipramine or nialamide). For instance, in chronically stressed rats BPC-157 could uptick their mobility levels. Moreover, it can be a buffer for the brain against serotonin toxicity as displayed in serotonin syndrome through the inhibition of 5-HT2A receptor binding.

Immunize Dopaminergic System

  • BPC Peptides Canada takes care of the dopaminergic system (increasing discharge of dopamine in nigrostriatal regions).
  • It can shield dopamine neurons from toxin induced damage in models of Parkinson’s Disease (PD).
  • It acts as a protective agent against dopamine depletion (from stimulant use). For instance, BPC157 can inhibit repetitive OCD symptoms from amphetamine usage.
  • It can arrest haloperidol-triggered supersensitivity from amphetamine usage.


Controls Opioid Tolerance

BPC recovery peptide curbs action on the opioid system. For instance, it can nullify the affects of naloxone and thiopental-triggered anesthesia. It may act as a powerful paracetamol antidote even against progressive damaging processes instigated by extreme overdoses.

Nut Shell

BPC-157 has been reported as safe in clinical trials for inflammatory bowel disease (PL14736), safe for intestinal anastomosis therapy, and is right now in clinical trials for multiple sclerosis.