In this paper, we have identified the scarce formal
documentation about methodologies or processes of mobile
application development applied by industry and academia,
despite the thousands of mobile applications on the market.
Given the greater interest for rapid application development,
sharing their development experiences with the scientific
community has become secondary. Thus, the main goal of this
research was to contribute towards a greater understanding of
mobile software development processes or methodologies
applied by the industry and academia for the development of

SW engineering of mobile applications has a strong
emphasis on User Interface (UI) design. Flora et al. [6] establish
that mobile developers find it challenging to make best possible
use of limited screen space, and UI design takes on greater
importance than ever. This fact is related to the User Experience
(UX), where the developers indicate that a smaller display,
screen layouts and different user interaction styles have major
impact in designing a mobile apps, eventually resulting in low
adoption and usage of the application [6]. Even though
developers can control most aspects of the UX, mobile
applications often share common elements of the UI with other
applications and must therefore adhere to externally developed
UI guidelines, many of which are implemented in software
development kits that are part of the platform [8]. Additionally,
mobile application developers must anticipate the targeted
devices for UI design. Specifically, if targeting a single
platform, developers may decide to build a single application
for all platforms at the risk of some functional inconsistencies
or instead consider building multiple version targeting each
hardware platform [7].