The digital world moves at quite a fast pace thus web development trends keep changing every day. The businesses shall consider those new trends to maintain the equilibrium and move ahead in this digital world.

Here in this blog, we have considered some of the Web Development Trends that businesses shall look out for nowadays.

#1. Accelerated Mobile Pages 

AMP was first presented in the year 2015 and from that time till today, it has been recognized as one of the top trends in web development.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) practises the HTML copies of a website and presents them to mobile devices stripping out JavaScript, HTML, and CSS with the aid of cache stored in Content Delivery Network (CDN).

As the website’s AMP pages load fast they will make the way to a higher search engine ranking.


#2. Progressive Webpage Apps (PWA):-

Progressive Web Page App (PWA) functionality helps a website is behaving and acting like a mobile application.

It carries the ability to:

Ability to add an icon to the home screen

  1. Offline browsing ability
  2. Responsiveness
  3. Safe to use
  4. Costs less than android/ios apps

These features, help PWA to be ranked on the top of Web development trends. The features carry a web app interface to a site that delivers a high-quality user experience consequently it snatched the attention of developers around the world.

On the other hand, PWA developers don’t need any exceptional programming abilities, also it delivers a fine user experience.  By allowing users to send push notifications on PWA-enabled websites and the prospect of returning visitors improves. Since today, users prefer the mobile phone to access these sites, thus making this one of the popular trends today and also this trend will definitely continue to grow further as well.


#3. Artificial Intelligence & Bots:-

When we are considering this modern era, we shall not ignore Artificial Intelligence & its benefits. Companies have already started using Artificial Intelligence, that is, Chatbots and other accessible devices.

This has been recognized as one of the most cost-effective trends that can aid users with various kinds of question-related to their services. It, on the other hand, has been also recognized as a fine and long-term investment.

Processing a huge amount of customer data to personalize the user experience is easy with the help of A.I. there are various perks that make A.I. one of the top web trends today.


#4. Dark Mode:-

Dark Mode is another trendy application in recent days. The dark color offers a broad array of contrast ratio to other colors, making the User Interface attractive. Another reason to have this on the list of top web trends is because it decreases excessive eye strain. Plus, it besides makes it easier to see the light content by increasing the visibility and saves battery time; increasing the number of black pixels uses less device energy.


#5. Mobile-Friendly Websites:-

Todaymaximum users use mobile phones and visit the websites using the phone only.

Thus, nowadays it is important to have one of the responsive designs that modify dynamically conferring to the screen size of devices.

Google has been also optimizing the algorithm to make it safe, secure, and fast to provide the best result possible. Mobile-friendliness can be truly considered as one of the finest SEO Ranking factors and one of the top web trends.

To conclude the topic, we would say, there are other top web trends as well, including, Cybersecurity and voice search that can be considered as the top website development trends in the year 2021. Here we have covered some of the most preferred trends accessible today.