Human minds have become accustomed to seeing unusual, enchanting, and once beyond imagination kinds of things. Go back to the early 2000s and ask yourself or your elders, did they expect mobile phones to become so common, let alone the invention of smartphones and tablets?

A lot has changed. Today, you will rarely come across someone having a basic (non-touch) phone. People have become fond of touch screens. Just a single tap and you can access any folder, any file, or perhaps click a smiling selfie!

In this article, we will discuss a similar, trending technology — touch screen surface! Though it has become quite popular in mobile phones, it’s still a new phenomenon in bigger devices.

As one of the leading signage companies in Dubai, we have seen an increasing trend of such screens. And that’s for a reason. So, without further ado, let’s discuss some of the uses and benefits of a touch screen interface in different sectors:

1- More Engagement for Business

This technology is going to be a must for shops inside malls, airports, and even subways where people would be able to buy something or access any information on a single tap.

These screens are intuitive and user-friendly. For example, someone walking inside a clothing store in a mall, looking for a particular brand, would be able to learn about the availability from the outside.

This technology will further help small businesses in getting more attention from the relevant people. Just like the LED walls, a touch screen interface anywhere would leave a great impression.

2- Mobility & Space

A touch screen interface can be a great space saver. Monitors these days are considered quite big and occupy a substantial amount of space in your offices, study rooms, shops, and other areas.

With a touch screen interface, not only you would be able to save space but also enjoy the easy portability of the screen. These are lightweight and can be easily transported from one place to another.

For example, you want to use the same screen for different purposes. In the morning you need it in your shop while in the evening hours you do some technical stuff on it. You won’t have to buy two different devices for these.

3- A Great Tool in Education Industry

Touch screens can be a great addition to your classroom. One gets the flexibility in terms of content display at his convenience. With little effort, you can teach different subjects to primary and secondary classes at different times.

And since they are portable, you can easily move them from one classroom to another, or one school to another. Visual learning is preferred by kids as the visual content is more understandable than text.

It has already become common in some countries, and in the coming years, it will be a norm everywhere — even in the non-developed regions.

4- Navigation Tool for Crowded Places

Hospitals, big universities and colleges, airports, railway stations, and other frequently crowded places require any form of navigation for the people. In the future, we might see touch screen interfaces used in such places.

For example, someone who wants to know where a certain department in the hospital is, or where a certain class is located in the school, would simply tap on the screen and get the directions.

5- Self-Service Feature

In big restaurants, this feature has already been introduced. When a customer walks in, instead of summoning a waiter, he gets a device to place his order.

In the future, we will see an intuitive touch screen interface on every table. And the walk-in customer will place his order via the screen, keep it somewhere in his reach, and keep ordering food based on his needs.

This will eliminate the need for waiters(which means a huge cut in hotel expenses). The best part is, such a screen costs no more than the monthly salary of a waiter — and that too only one time!

6- b24/7 Service

With touch screens, businesses would be able to provide 24/7 service. These include car parks, train stations, airports, and many other sectors where the buzz never stops.

Every kind of small and large business requires physical staff to cater to the needs of people. But with touch screens, things will change. Someone looking for a coffee in the middle of a night would get a cup on a single tap.

This will further improve the customer experience and make you different from other service providers and businesses in your industry.

7- Budget-Friendly in the Longer Run

The thought of using touch screen interfaces for business feels daunting, but in the longer run, it can save you some bucks. And beyond that, it can boost your business, improve your productivity, and bring a positive change.

8- Easy Maintenance

And the best bit about these screens is they are easy to maintain. Unlike traditional directories, getting rid of smudges and fingerprints is quite easy. A gentle spray proves sufficient.

No matter how many people use them daily, what kind of weather you experience in your region, and what your purpose is, not much maintenance is required.


Touch screen interfaces are the future. In fact, chances are they have already become a norm in your region. In case you are wondering if it’s worth your money or not, the answer is yes. However, make sure you consult a credible service provider in your region to know your best options.