Across the globe pandemic has fasten the adaptation of online mode of education, which lead to great demand in the field of online tutoring as the parents were actively looking out for best tutors in online. As impact of the pandemic was sudden and unplanned the adaptation process was damped and the student community faced a lot of struggles to cope up with the change in learning method. They also lost their real time social bonds in schooling.

The teacher fraternity also faced many problems in adopting the new ways to teach and interact with students through technology. The lack of in person interaction reduced the emotional connection between the student and the teacher. But the situation has moved forward in a positive way as adaptation happening in a good pace.

There are many problems which lead to reduced self confidence like technical issues while learning through online tutoring, lack of hands on and practical experience, lack of social interactions, and more. But as per the quote “where there is a will, there is a way” the students adapt to the new method and reach heights by online tutoring classes.

The collaboration and face to face to interactions with peer students is a process which gives confidence to tackle the real, with online tutoring those processes are lost. So, we must find new ways to keep students disciplined and motivated to learn. Here are ideas to build confidence in struggling students:

  • We can encourage self and peer assessment to improve social interaction.
  • We can motivate students by giving positive and improvising feedback than a negative feedback for their work.
  • We can give some free time in class to do some fun online activities to elevate the interest and drive to learn.
  • We can teach students about the growth mindset.
  • We can recite some highlights of any self help book and ask them to read if interested.
  • We can have a listening weekend where students can express their thoughts and feedbacks.

When tutoring online, some of these ideas can be implemented which may build confidence in struggling students. As an online tutor we should ease the process of learning for students by selecting simple and powerful online tools or platforms. Many activities other than normal class sessions can be done to improve confidence of students.

For more information or to know more about tutoring online, visit our company website HERE: