You may think that there are two to three types of arthritis. But you will be startled to hear the truth that there are more than 100 different types of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation has reported more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States with arthritis conditions.

Whatever the symptoms and causes, physical therapy is considered an effective treatment to cure any pain with advanced methods and modalities. If you have arthritis, receive physical therapy for promoting arthritis pain relief in Gloversville, NY.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is one of the most common conditions that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. The symptoms of arthritis worsen over time and lead to a limited range of motion. The condition is a result of the wear and tear of the overused joints. Generally, arthritis happens with age but also occurs due to joint injuries and obesity that places additional pressure on the joints.

Now we can see the most common types of arthritis – osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis that is caused due to the wear down of cartilage that is a soft and flexible tissue at the ends of the bones. The cartilage usually protects the joints from the extensive pressure put on them. 

The wearing down of cartilage occurs slowly and worsens over time. This leads to the rubbing of one bone with another, thus causing pain and bone injury. This condition is referred to as osteoarthritis.

A simple example of osteoarthritis is the pain caused in the knees due to being overweight. The common symptoms of osteoarthritis include morning stiffness, joint soreness, and increasing disability. Physicians diagnose this condition through imaging tests. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body attacks the joints. It affects the synovial membrane, a connective tissue responsible for joint lubrication. This condition causes soreness and inflammation of the joints.

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include pain, stiffness, swelling in the joints, fatigue, and sleep difficulties.

Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile arthritis is the most common kind of arthritis in kids under the age of 16. It is an overall term to describe the inflammatory and rheumatic diseases that develop in children. According to the Arthritis Foundation, this condition affects nearly 300,000 kids and teens in the United States.

It leads to eroded bones, misaligned joints, and tightened muscles, causing fever, fatigue, joint swelling, and pain. Laboratory tests that determine inflammatory markers and imaging tests can identify juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children.

How Physical Therapy Can Promote Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis patients should consider taking physical therapy treatments. Physical therapists can identify the primary source of joint pain and treat patients accordingly. They use the following physical therapy modalities to promote arthritis pain relief.

1) Therapeutic Exercises

If you think that arthritis patients need to take enough rest to curb the pain, you are definitely wrong. The more you move, the more you can feel the reduction in pain. Exercises keep the joints flexible and strengthen the muscles around the joints.

The wear and tear of the cartilage that leads to rubbing of bones can be reduced with the help of strengthening exercises. Physical therapists promote arthritis pain relief in Gloversville, NY, by examining the deteriorated joints and suggesting some strengthening exercises to increase joint stability.

Low impact exercises like walking, water aerobics, cycling, and tai chi can help arthritis patients. These exercises assist obese patients in managing their weight as it is one of the primary causes of arthritis.

2) Hot/Cold Therapy

Heat therapy increases blood flow in the areas experiencing pain and provides those areas with adequate oxygen and nutrients. Physical therapists apply heating pads or heated gel packs to an arthritic joint to relieve pain and stiffness. Patients can take a warm shower in the morning to help ease morning stiffness. Heat therapy promotes arthritis pain relief and increases range of motion.

Cold therapy narrows the blood vessels and slows down blood circulation. Patients can wrap a gel ice pack in a cloth and apply it to the arthritic joints. Therapists advise not to apply ice directly to the skin. Cold therapy promotes quick recovery and reduces inflammation and swelling.

3) Acupuncture

Scientific evidence shows that a signal transfers along the spinal cord to the brain when used acupuncture needles. This signal stimulates the release of neurotransmitters called endorphins which are the natural painkillers of the human body, thus reducing joint pain.

Research also shows that inserting an acupuncture needle into the affected area triggers the production of cortisol, a hormone that can control inflammation. 

4) Massage Therapy

Massage therapy helps in relieving pain and reducing muscle stiffness by improving circulation to the arthritic joints. It also reduces inflammation caused due to arthritis.

One of the effective massage techniques is petrissage or kneading. In this technique, the physical therapists lift the skin up, press it down, squeeze and then roll it to lengthen the tissues connected to the muscles, thus promoting relaxation. By doing this massage, the circulation of fresh blood increases and promotes arthritis pain relief.

Final Thoughts

Even though arthritis is a painful condition, physical therapy can efficiently reduce arthritis symptoms and curb pain to an extended level. Patients should consider moving throughout their rehabilitative journey, as physical activity is the primary element for promoting arthritis pain relief.