Vinyl wraps for cars are actually a PVC polymer blend made flexible and colorful by adding various colors and additives to it. All the different ingredients are blended together for being casted to moving sheets which are then baked and cured to make them flexible and resistant to ultra violet light. The final product is a vinyl sheet as thin 2mm and custom graphics can be printed on it as required by individual customers.

High quality vinyl wraps are widely available now and vehicle owners can take full advantage of it for making their cars new and attractive with unique personalized designs and also for protecting the original paint layer. Different types of vinyl wraps are available with wrap auto Montreal like –

Glossy vinyl wraps: Resembling the classical original paint work of the vehicle this type of wraps has extremely smooth finish. You will also find them available with metal flakes in a multitude of attractive colors and can make your car look more stylish than ever. This is the best option for vehicle owners who wants a classical glossy finish for their car.

Matte wraps: These are the perfect opposite of the glossy wraps and as they are not reflective and have no shine, they give your car a unique appearance. Matte wraps offer great possibilities for textures and deigns and their unique style is the quality that attracts customers the most.

Satin wraps: Compared to mattes Satin wraps are glossier but they reflect only a minimum amount of light. These wraps are more preferred for mobile advertising for satin wraps can give your vehicle a professional look and sleek design possibilities. You can consider them as a combination of glossy and matte wraps.

Brushed vinyl wraps: These wrappings are further classified in two types – brushed texture wraps and brushed material wraps. They can be easily installed and texture wraps can provide your car with a kind of authentic look.

Steps in the design process

Getting your old car wrapped can be a more cost effective option than repainting it and you also open up to a wide range of color and design possibilities. Here are the steps that vinyl wrap Montreal companies follow for the process.

Consultation: After you have provided the wrapping company with all required information their design experts will get in touch for a consultation regarding your design requirements and preferences. The cost of the wrapping will also be discussed but can be finalized only after the designing process is completed.

Proofing: Once the consultation is done the designers will develop initial design proofs to give you an idea of how your car is going to look after finishing. You can make all required changes during the proofing process and once you have provided the designers your feedback they will start developing the final design.

Approval: Once the final designing is completed and you have approved it, they will sent the design to the printers and after that only the installation part remains in which you have no hand to play.