Upholsteries are some of the biggest dust and dirt magnets around the house. No matter how careful and clean you try to be, somehow there is always a smudge or a burst of dust when you shake it.

Cleaning these can be a hectic process, so here are a few ways you can use to give your upholstery a good, deep clean, and make them look as good as new.

Vacuum Clean: Vacuuming is the most convenient form of cleaning for upholstery items like curtains, sofas, and other fabric-covered furniture. Most modern vacuum is small, light, and has lots of adjustable parts like fabric brushes. They give you the best way of cleaning any solid dirt off them, especially dust and pet hair from your sofa.

Remove Stubborn Stains: When you have to deal with tough stains, the best way to tackle them is to blot and dry the area with a clean cloth. Do not rub as this will run the risk of spreading the stain even further. If it’s old and dry already, wet the area with a damp cloth and place a dry cloth on top of the stain and blot it with it.

If the stain doesn’t cooperate in getting off, contact a local upholstery cleaning company to get expert service.

Baking Soda Solution: Baking soda mixture is probably one of the most conventional and effective methods of getting a deep clean. Baking soda, mixed with water and applied to the stain has a reactive effect. Keep it for a while and then blot it gently.

Not only does baking soda clean the stains but also makes the fabric fluffy. It also helps remove any odor from the stain, especially if it is a pet stain.

Get Deep Cleanse: While most of these methods are best for a small area or light clean, the best way to get a deep overall cleanse is via getting the fabric washed and dry cleaned with curtains and cushion covers. Some of these upholstery fabrics are easily washable with regular fabric detergents.

An overall clean will make your upholstery fabrics look as good as new and give your house a vibrant shine. If you are not comfortable with DIY, contact professional services for a better output.

Although it may seem like a strenuous task to get your upholstery cleaned regularly, it is worth the effort.